Our magical words and incantations will inspire your thoughts and daily affirmations, and draw the invisible forces and earthly spirits who will help bring your wishes to reality. Click Here,

You can have one of our great magical pentacles or moses sigils, some of the oldest magical symbols known to man. It will tap into your sub-conscious mind, giving you abundant mental energy. This creates a magnetic aura - that manifests your affirmations and desires - by aligning with the invisible supreme force.

Click to shop.

Read some testimonials below

"These 40 days meditation worked wonders. 2 years ago, I contacted a company in America for a job and was rejected. I contacted infinity oracle society asking for any prayer for blessings. They sent me a 40 days meditation. And just two weeks into the meditation, I received email from the same company telling me that they have looked into the credentials I sent them and wondering if am still interested in the job. Now I live in America with a good job that I like"

Anthony Anike


"Light up your candle I did and now I have a good job and debt free"


Liverpool, UK

"This candle lighting works like magic. I received unexpected check in the mail and life has been good financially...."

John Stevens

New York


"The distance healing works perfectly. I am healed, happy and grateful. Thanks a lot..."

Emma Johnson

London, UK

"This works like magic. I was fired from my job but after pronouncing the magical words as instructed by IOS, my employer called and asked if I would like to come back. It was surprising to me how powerful it is. Now I have deleted it from my email as it is meant to be kept secret.

Thank you IOS for work well done"



"I have listened and read so many books on positivity that I started wondering if positivity techniques really work. Then I come in contact with Infinity Oracle Society. Their explanation of why I have not being able to manifest my wishes sounds logical. I never heard that before from positivity teachers. I gave it a go and it was powerful and magical. Thank you IOS."



"I have in the past bought different kinds of mystic items because i needed something that will bring me prosperity. But they never worked for me, I lost faith in such stuff. After going through IOS website I decided to buy their Solomon pentacle. I was very impatient when they said it will take some time to send due to inauspicious moon phase at the time. But I am glad I waited. It works wonders. I carry it in my pocket every time.

Thanks IOS"



"I couldn't believe my eyes when I started using my moses sigil. It is indeed very good for luck. Two weeks in and I can tell you it is working perfectly. I won't say much now. Let me give it six months then I'll send full testimony.

Thank you."



"I received the incantation and it's working so far. The only problem I have is trying to hide it from my wife and kids. I understand why it must be kept secret so I am trying to memorize it. Thank you so much."



"This pentacle of Solomon is magical and powerful. i wear it when visualizing and verbalizing my wishes. It is helping me greatly in manifesting my wishes. It's worth the time I waited to get it. Thank you for this great pentacle."



"The power behind this magical prayer is beyond my understanding. All I can say is that it is working and my life has changed since I started using it. I memorized it. And whenever I recite it I feel great.

Thank you."



"When you have something so effective like this, something that changes your life instantly, you start wondering why you didn't know about it before. This Moses pendant is magical and has changed my life. It works wonders. Thank you."



"I practiced positivity for many years without success. And every time I have been told I needed more faith. I did everything perfectly, no success. So I started looking for answers. Infinity Oracle Society explained in detail why I have not been able to manifest my desires. I learned that I needed external help from invisible forces. I received a Solomon pentacle which is great and doing magical things in my life. Thank you so much for your help."



"If you want spiritual support, pentacles or sigils that work get it from IOS. Their items are definitely blessed and infused with unbelievable power. It works. Thank you"



"The very first day I received my pentacle, I knew there are some powerful forces behind it. I sensed it's going to work for me and it did more than I expected. When I received mine I felt chills all over my body. And the next morning a bird flew over my garden shedding one of its feathers which I have with me to date. Life is better for me now. Thank you so much."



"The miracle handkerchief is great. It brings me lots of luck. I am so grateful it came at the time I needed some support. My gratitude to Infinity Oracle Society."



"These 'magical words' are indeed magical and powerful. I was skeptical initially, but later decided to give it a try. I have got nothing to lose and it's sent to me free. Easy to memorize, easy to recite and it works. I use it every day and it's changing my life. Thank you."

Maria K
