Manifesting Your Thoughts


Stop wasting your time thinking you can manifest whatever you want just by constantly focusing and thinking about it.

Many have reported they have been positive for years without seeing any result. They focus all their mind on what they want, feel it and believe it without doubt or guilt. Yet they end up unsuccessful. Our thoughts, words and actions are powerful and can manifest quickly. But here is the truth about it.

Karma, reaction to your action is real and as powerful as your thought and words. Many teachers of positive thinking may tell you that you don't need the help of an angel, God or spell to manifest your wishes. But the fact is, if you accumulated good karma, positive thinking works. It may take some time because of the accumulated karmic reaction but it works eventually.. The material body is a reflection of our spiritual body but different in nature. This may be too complicated to comprehend because of the invisible nature of our spiritual body.

Now let us examine the material body. The material body is formed based on the design of the DNA which is unique for each individual. Some people are more susceptible to diseases than others.

Whatever our material body is made of we also have in our spiritual body but different in kind.

So on the matter of manifesting your wishes depends on how your spiritual body is built.

The spiritual body is formed by your actions and reactions. The action you performed may be an impediment to your progress in all areas of your life. And thwart your ability to manifest your wishes. If you have guilt, that is the most powerful feeling that impedes the manifestation of your desires.

If you unnecessarily hurt others or break someone's heart, or you are envious or blocking someone else's progress, then you are creating a spiritual body responsible for limiting the power you have to shape your future.

One may argue that my bad or evil actions has nothing to do with my material progress. That they have no power to impede that which I desire. For example, some cite examples of murderers who went on to succeed materially in life. This is where laws of nature get tricky. If you are ignorant of how it works, sometimes being a murderer would not necessarily prevent you from progressing materially. But you won't be protected from being murdered as well.

But blocking someone's material progress may also prevent you from achieving the same progress. Having much guilt in you would make it hard for you to manifest anything.

But people who have built their spiritual body with good actions can easily manifest their desires even without constantly thinking and focusing on it. Things come to them without any effort.

So how can you start building that magnetism in you and be able to manifest your wishes?

You have to avoid any actions that will later overwhelmed you with feelings of guilt. Engage in loving and charitable actions towards others. And don't expect anything in return.

If you have been unsuccessfully practicing positive thinking, check your actions both past and present.