

 All our items are not mass product and not designed to wear for fashions,They are prepared at the appropriate time and moon phases ,super charged and consecrated by invoking the appropriate spirit or demons that guide them,They are very powerful and should not be ignored

They will be specially made for you and never be transferred to another person,If you feel you don't need it any more follow the instructions on how to dispose it or return it back to us for disposal to avoid causing harm on you,our items are for those who honestly want to get the benefit of using these magical and powerful items rather than wearing or carrying them for fashion or show off without any benefit, It comes with a detailed instructions on how to use it and preserve the efficacy of this great and powerful magical item

All our seals,sigils and pentacles are carved on a metal,brass,silver,gold or on parchment paper 


When you receive any of our items in the post and get it out of the package,you will have a weird experiences,Please keep calm and do not fear,The spirit or demons guiding that particular item wants you to know he is there with you,

Here are some experiences reported by our customers who have received especially our demon sigils -

Suddenly start having cold feet even in hot weather

Tapping of their ear

Dog barking non-stop

object being thrown from no where

Hear their names being called

Their phones suddenly start ringing with nobody to respond from the other end when they pick

Experiences reported by our customers who have bought our angelic items-

Feather appear from no where even when they clearly know it wasn't there before

A gentle breeze even when the windows and doors are shut

A friend or relatives they haven't seen or talked to for long,suddenly called them

Feelings of happiness and optimistic

Bird flew into their house,please don't kill the bird,just let it out

These are all the signs you may have upon receiving our items

If you have any other signs other than the ones listed please let us know for recording purposes.

***For powerful pentacles... Click here***