Nature And Man


On a cold windy autumn Saturday I was standing somewhere overlooking a pond near the city center. The fishes were swimming happily and some people were throwing food crumbs at some quacking ducks. As I observed the scenery I wondered if animals do think about tomorrow. Like think about what they are going to eat the next day?(No they don't). Or do they merely possess the mental power to attract their daily needs?

Nature is powerful and beautiful and we are endowed with all her attributes - power, beauty, wealth and riches. We are all part and parcel of nature. We are of the same force, quantitatively different and qualitatively the same. Much like a spark of fire or drop of water from the ocean. Plants, herbs, animate and inanimate objects are all of the same energy and all connected.

We have the power and the same special magnetism to attract one another or anything to us - people, animals, money, good health, diseases, poverty, wealth, prosperity, happiness or anger. You are born a magnet with the power and the tools to thrive in the universe.

You have the freedom to choose what you want to see in your life - happiness or distress, poverty or riches, good health or illness, abundance or lack. It is complicated and sometimes hard to grasp when you don't understand the laws of nature. I don't want to be poor, I don't want to be ill, why am I experiencing what I don't want? Our feelings ,thoughts and words make up our magnetic nature. You will realize why everything you don't want keep surfacing in your life when you keep your thoughts, words, actions and feelings in check. We are qualitatively one and the same energy force with God. Whatever you feel or frequently think about you attract. Like attract like. "What a man thinketh so he is."

There are some unbelievable ways you can actually attract some things you don't want. Like obsessing over the sick, the poor or dwelling on another person's problems,That doesn't mean you don't help people or the least among us.


  • your marriage or relationship is falling apart;

  • you are depressed or being bullied;

  • you are looking for genuine love;

  • you are suicidal;

  • your house is haunted,;

  • you feel cursed or hexed;

  • you are losing hope in life;

  • you can't get a soulmate,

then contact us for counselling and spiritual help.