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ABC Dinjos' Conversations With South African Journalist James Kadus

James Kadus: Thank you for agreeing to this sit down with me. it's an honor.

I have some questions on positivity that I have been trying to find answers to. I thought it’s time to go to the expert.

So what do you think about positive thinking, does it really work?

ABC Dinjos: Yes it sure does.

James Kadus: How so?

ABC Dinjos: By focusing on your desired result or objective and ignoring any negative thoughts that could sow the seed of doubts.

James Kadus: But I have seen people who said they tried that unsuccessfully. I mean, they said it didn’t work for them.

ABC Dinjos: Well, it’s all about your state of mind. You have to act as if you already got it. With strong faith, a sense of gratitude, and an eye on the prize, without doubt or fear, your wish will eventually manifest itself.

James Kadus: Faith. Is it always about faith? Is the absence of faith the main impediment?

ABC Dinjos: Yes. But that is not the only impediment...

James Kadus: What is faith in this context? How can one tell he or she has no such faith?

ABC Dinjos: Worry, fear, doubt and disbelief. If you feel any of those, you don’t have faith.

James Kadus: How about people who have no such faith but seem to get whatever they want without any extra effort or positive feelings?

ABC Dinjos: Well, for such people, their success is preordained. It doesn't matter what they do or how they think or live their lives.

James Kadus: Can you get into more detail on that?

ABC Dinjos: The universe operates under the laws of karma. Your actions in life -- good or bad – determine your life experiences. So whatever you put out to the universe eventually comes back to you. It’s like getting paid for a job well done.

James Kadus: You believe in karma?

ABC Dinjos: The concepts of karma and reincarnation come closest to explaining the mystery behind the functioning of this world. Otherwise nothing makes sense.

James Kadus: So our power to attract whatever we want depends on both concepts?

ABC Dinjos: Right.

James Kadus: How about the belief that we have a limitless power to attract whatever we desire?

ABC Dinjos: Yes we have such power, because we are part and parcel of the universal power. We are only limited by our karma.

James Kadus: You talked about pentacles and other magical symbols. Are they really useful?

ABC Dinjos: Yes. Such symbols belong to more powerful higher beings, and can help you attract their energies to yourself. This creates an aura of powerful energy around you.

James Kadus: How does it work?

ABC Dinjos: If you put iron in a fire, after some time, the iron becomes so hot that it glows like the fire. Likewise, if you chant the divine names of a higher being you can attract their powerful energy to yourself via any object or symbol dedicated to them.

James Kadus: And then what?

ABC Dinjos: Once you align your mind, body and spirit with such divine energy, you have a kind of borrowed power which you can keep as long as you remain aligned.

James Kadus: So with that power you can create whatever you wish to see in your life?

ABC Dinjos: Yes, that's how it works. Higher beings have supernatural powers. So when you align yourself with such power you glow like it, just like my ‘iron in fire’ example.

James Kadus: That is interesting.

ABC Dinjos: The gods will show you the door, you choose to work through it, or not. They don't automatically deliver your wishes but they’d guide you towards achieving your goal.

James Kadus: Ok let's talk about God and religion. Do you believe in God?

ABC Dinjos: What is your description of God?

James Kadus: I think that God is the supreme being who create and govern everything.

ABC Dinjos: You are God. Everything animate and inanimate is god.

James Kadus: Can you expand on that?

ABC Dinjos: Every animate or inanimate entity, is part and parcel of the 'Supreme,' ‘the infinite space,’ God or whatever name you choose. We are one with the 'Supreme' qualitatively, but quantitatively different.

James Kadus: Is IOS a religious organization? Do we have to belong to a particular religion?

ABC Dinjos: IOS is not a religious organization. Religion is man-made. You don’t need religion to get back on your spiritual journey. You have a personal connection to the Supreme being.

James Kadus: So being part of a particular religion to connect with God is not necessary?

ABC Dinjos: Yes that is right.

James Kadus: You talked about your philosophy and the secret teachings of IOS on your website. Do you have any teaching that is not shared with the public?

ABC Dinjos: Knowledge can be very destructive in the minds of some people. So we do not share all our especially mystical spiritual knowledge to everyone until they are ready to absorb and use it wisely.

James Kadus: How does it become destructive?

ABC Dinjos: Misinterpretations and abuse. You see inter-religious strife and scams prevalent in many parts of the world, due unfortunately to the fact that many adherents do indeed deliberately or naively misinterpret or abuse their own scriptures and mystical knowledge.

James Kadus: You have other religious teachings on your website, do you believe in their teachings?

ABC Dinjos: The entire creation is one. Nothing exists outside of it. So any belief or ideology still exists within it. And as living entities, we must objectively consider such beliefs and ideologies.

James Kadus: What would be the position of people who don't believe in Angels or gods?

ABC Dinjos: You don't necessarily have to believe in the gods or Angels. But you’d have to align yourself with such divine forces when you need their help.

James Kadus: Alright, I’d like to try that...

ABC Dinjos: Start practicing mind concentration. That is the first step. When you are ready I will guide you.

James Kadus: Again, thank you for your time.

ABC Dinjos: May the blessings of the universe be upon you.

James Kadus: Thank you.