Solomon's Pentacles


"There is a tid​e in the affairs of men which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune"

-- William Shakespeare

Breath in slowly, hold your breath for five seconds. Then slowly exhale.

Now remember that most important thing you have always wanted to manifest in your life and thank the magical universe for delivering it to you.

You are here because the infinite magical universe has acknowledged your prayer and is providing you with the necessary tools to manifest your wishes. Do not stop here,keep reading.

In this strange world there are people who earn millions more than others in the present economic condition. Money is more important than anything else. There are priests who save souls and doctors who heal the body for money. The rich escape punishment from the law.

These disparities are due to some definite planetary influences, karmic reactions, thoughts and actions.

If one realizes this and align one's spirit with the universal force, one will live a life of prosperity and abundance.

If you have been meditating, praying daily and practicing positive thinking without any result, stop wasting time.

The secret many 'positivity' teachers won't tell you is that some planetary influences and karmic reactions can impede your ability to manifest what you desire. They either keep it secret or are ignorant of those factors.

These pentacles of Solomon and Sigils of Moses will eradicate all negative influences and curses that may be hindering you from manifesting your wishes. And align you with the universal force that will transform you into a powerful magnetic force. It brings good tidings.

It comes with a detailed instructions on how to use it to manifest your wishes.

They are not ordinary, Each pentacle or pendant is made and consecrated on the day and hour appropriate for the invocation of the spirit that guides it. And the spirits are drawn to take abode in these pentacle.

These pentacles will tap into your thoughts, feelings and words and provide the powerful force necessary to manifest. Be careful of what you are thinking about when using it.

Pentacles and symbols are valuable as foci for the reception of magical forces. But unless the holder can really attract that force, the pentacle is a worthless object. In the hand of one who fully comprehends its meaning, the pentacle becomes a powerful protection and guide.

It is meant for those who really want to benefit from these powerful magical symbols.

These pentacles are attributed to king Solomon. It was revealed to him by an Angel who advised him to keep it secret lest it fall into the hands of the wicked or unworthy.

Moses is known for his magical power that God endowed him with, to deliver the Israelites from the hands of Pharaoh.

Carry the pentacle on you and see your thoughts and wishes manifest before your very eyes!

The Holy pentacles or medals

The medals or pentacles, which we make for the purpose of striking terror into the spirits and reducing them to obedience, have besides this wonderful and excellent virtue. If thou invokest the spirits by virtue of these pentacles, they will obey thee without repugnance, and having considered them they will be struck with astonishment, and will fear them, and thou shalt see them so surprised by fear and terror, that none of them will be sufficiently bold to wish to oppose thy will. They are also of great virtue and efficacy against all perils of earth, of air, of water, and of fire, against poison which hath been drunk, against all kinds of infirmities and necessities, against binding, sortilege, and sorcery, against all terror and fear, and wheresoever thou shalt find thyself, if armed with them, thou shalt be in safety all the days of thy life.

Through them do we acquire good-luck,prosperity and abundance,wealth and riches,grace and good-will from man and woman, fire is extinguished, water is stayed, and all creatures fear at the sight of the names which are therein, and obey through that fear.

These pentacles are usually made of the metal the most suitable to the nature of the planet; and then there is no occasion to observe the rule of particular colours. They should be engraved with the instrument of art in the days and hours proper to the planet.

They are very powerful and especially made for you and should in no way be passed to another person,It comes with instructions on how to keep and preserve the power and its efficacy,The spirit associated with the pentacle are being invoked and drawn to the pentacle


***Place special order for your chosen pentacle >>>

First Pentacle Of Saturn

This pentacle is of great value and utility for striking terror into the spirits. Wherefore, upon its being shown to them they submit, and kneeling upon the earth before it, they obey.

The Hebrew letters within the square are the four great names of God which are written with four letters:— IHVH, Yod, He, Vau, He; ADNI, Adonai; IIAI, Yiai (this name has the same Numerical value in Hebrew as the name EL) ; and AHIH, Eheieh. The Hebrew versicle which surrounds it is from Psalm lxxii. 9; 'The Ethiopians shall kneel before him, his enemies shall lick the dust. Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor’s wishes & request and drive away demons,evil ghost and bad spirit

Second Pentacle Of Saturn

This pentacle is of great value against adversaries; and of especial use in repressing the pride of the spirits.

the most perfect existing form of double acrostic, as far as the arrangement of the letters is concerned; it is repeatedly mentioned in the records of mediæval Magic; and, save to very few, its derivation from the present pentacle has been unknown. It will be seen at a glance that it is a square of five, giving twenty-five letters, which, added to the unity, gives twenty-six, the numerical value of IHVH. The Hebrew versicle surrounding it is taken from Psalm lxxii. 8, 'His dominion shall be also from the one sea to the other, and from the flood unto the world's end.' This passage consists also of exactly twenty-five letters, and its total numerical value (considering the final letters with increased numbers), added to that of the name Elohim, is exactly equal to the total numerical value of the twenty-five letters in the square. Bestows influence and respect,Good for those who engage in competitions of any kind

Third Pentacle Of Saturn

This should be made within the magical circle, and it is good for use at night when thou invokest the spirits of the nature of Saturn.The characters at the ends of the rays of the mystic wheel are magical characters of Saturn. Surrounding it are the names of the angels:— Omeliel, Anachiel, Arauchiah, and Anazachia, written in Hebrew. For general purpose,good luck prosperity,abundance,protection,wealth and riches,draw the energy of the spirit of saturn

Fourth Pentacle Of Saturn

This pentacle serveth principally for executing all the experiments and operations of ruin, destruction, and death. And when it is made in full perfection, it serveth also for those spirits which bring news, when thou invokest them from the side of the South. The Hebrew words around the sides of the triangle are from Deut. vi. 4:— 'Hear, O Israel, IHVH ALHINV is IHVH AChD.' The surrounding versicle is from Psalm cix. 18:— 'As he clothed himself with cursing like as with a garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.' In the center of the pentacle is the mystic letter Yod. For revenge and cursing your enemy,it brings good news

Fifth Pentacle of Saturn

This pentacle defendeth those who invoke the spirits of Saturn during the night; and chaseth away the spirits which guard treasures. The Hebrew letters in the angles of the cross are those of the name IHVH. Those in the angles of the square form ALVH, Eloah. Round the four sides of the square are the names of the angels:— Arehanah, Rakhaniel, Roelhaiphar, and Noaphiel. The versicle is:— 'A great God, a mighty, and a terrible.' -- Deut. x. 17. Destroyall curses or any hex on you,removes bad luck and anything that may hinder your progress

Sixth Pentacle of Saturn

Around this pentacle is each name symbolized as it should be. The person against whom thou shalt pronounce it shall be obsessed by demons. It is formed from mystical characters of Saturn. Around it is written in Hebrew: 'Set thou a wicked one to be ruler over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand.' -Be careful who you curse with this pentacle

Seventh(or last) Pentacle Of Saturn

This pentacle is fit for exciting earthquakes, seeing that the power of each order of angels herein invoked is sufficient to make the whole Universe tremble. Within the pentacle are the names of the nine orders of angels, those of six of them in ordinary Hebrew characters, and the remainder in the letters which are known as 'The Passing of the River.' These nine orders are:— 1. CHAIOTH HA-QADESCH, Holy Living Creatures; 2. AUPHANIM, Wheels; 3. ARALIM, Thrones; 4. CHASCHMALIM, Brilliant Ones; 5. SERAPHIM, Fiery Ones; 6. MELAKIM, Kings; 7. ELOHIM, Gods; 8. BENI ELOHIM, Sons of the Elohim; 9. KERUBIM, Kerubim. The versicle is from Psalm xviii. 7:— 'Then the earth shook and trembled, the foundations of the hills also moved and were shaken, because He was wroth.' Brings confusion among your enemies and persecutors and make them tremble before you

First Pentacle of Jupiter

This serveth to invoke the spirits of Jupiter, and especially those whose names are written around the pentacle, among whom Parasiel is the lord and master of treasures, and teacheth how to become possessor of places wherein they are. This pentacle is composed of mystical characters of Jupiter. Around it are the names of the angels:— Netoniel, Devachiah, Tzedeqiah, and Parasiel, written in Hebrew.The spirit of jupiter will help and bless you in all things and help you in manifesting your wishes,watch your thoughts and words when using this pentacle

Second Pentacle of Jupiter

This is proper for acquiring glory, honors, dignities, riches, and all kinds of good, together with great tranquillity of mind; also to discover treasures and chase away the spirits who preside over them. It should be written upon virgin paper or parchment, with the pen of the swallow and the blood of the screech-owl. In the center of the hexagram are the letters of the name AHIH, Eheieh; in the upper and lower angles of the same, those of the name AB, the Father; in the remaining angles those of the name IHVH. I believe the letters outside the Hexagram in the re-entering angles to be intended for those of the first two words of the versicle, which is taken from Psalm cxii. 3:— 'Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endureth for ever.'

Third Pentacle of Jupiter

This defendeth and protecteth those who invoke and cause the spirits to come. When they appear show unto them this pentacle and immediately they will obey. In the upper left hand corner is the magical seal of Jupiter with the letters of the name IHVH. In the others are the seal of the Intelligence of Jupiter, and the names Adonai and IHVH. -- Around it is the versicle from Psalm cxxv. 1:— 'A song of degrees. They that trust in IHVH shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.' Chase away ghost and evil spirit,good for casting out demons

Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter

It serveth to acquire riches and honor, and to possess much wealth. Its angel is Bariel. It should be engraved upon silver in the day and hour of Jupiter when he is in the sign Cancer. Above the magical sigil is the name IH, Iah. Below it are the names of the angels Adoniel and Bariel, the letters of the latter being arranged about a square of four compartments. Around is the versicle from Psalm cxii. 3:— 'Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endureth for ever.'

Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter

This hath great power. It serveth for assured visions. Jacob being armed with this pentacle beheld the ladder which reached unto heaven. The Hebrew letters within the pentacle are taken from the five last words of the versicle which surrounds it, each of which contains five letters. These are, then, recombined so as to form certain mystical names. The versicle is taken from Ezekiel i. 1:— 'As I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of Elohim.' In my opinion the versicle should only consist of the five last words thereof, when the anachronism of Jacob using a pentacle with a sentence from Ezekiel will not longer exist. -Obtain answers in dream,visions clairvoyant power and precognition.

Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter

It serveth for protection against all earthly dangers, by regarding it each day devoutedly, and repeating the versicle which surroundeth it. 'Thus shalt thou never perish.' The four names in the arms of the cross are:— Seraph, Kerub, Ariel, and Tharsis; the four rulers of the elements. The versicle is from Psalm xxii. 16, 17:— 'They pierced my hands and my feet, I may tell all my bones.'

Seventh(or last) Pentacle of Jupiter

It hath great power against poverty, if thou considerest it with devotion, repeating the versicle. It serveth furthermore to drive away those spirits who guard treasures, and to discover the same. Mystical characters of Jupiter with the verse:— 'Lifting up the poor out of the mire, and raising the needy from the dunghill, that he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.' -- Psalm cxiii. 7. Using this pentacle,never shall you live in poverty

First Pentacle of Mars

It is proper for invoking spirits of the nature of Mars, especially those which are written in the pentacle. Mystical characters of Mars, and the names of the four angels:— Madimiel, Bartzachiah, Eschiel, and Ithuriel written in Hebrew around the pentacle. The spirit of mars will bring you protections and blessings and can help you manifest your desires

Second Pentacle of Mars

This pentacle serveth with great success against all kinds of diseases, if it be applied unto the afflicted part. The letter Hé, in the angles of the hexagram. Within the same the names IHVH, IHShVH Yeheshuah (the mystic Hebrew name for Joshua or Jesus, formed of the ordinary IHVH with the letter Sh placed therein as emblematical of the spirit), and Elohim. Around it is the sentence, John i. 4:— 'In him was life, and the life was the light of man.' This may be adduced as an argument of the greater antiquity of the first few mystical verses of the Gospel of St. John. Ward off all diseases,good for healers to have it in their possessions,brings good health

Third Pentacle of Mars

It is of great value for exciting war, wrath, discord, and hostility; also for resisting enemies, and striking terror into rebellious spirits; the names of God the all powerful are therein expressly marked. The letters of the names Eloah and Shaddaï. In the centre is the great letter Vau, the signature of the Qabalistic Microprosopus. Around is the versicle from Psalm lxxvii. 13:— 'Who is so great a God as our Elohim?'

Fourth Pentacle of Mars

It is of great virtue and power in war, wherefore without doubt it will give thee victory. In the center is the great name Agla; right and left, the letters of the name IHVH; above and below, El. Round it is the versicle from Psalm cx. 5:— 'The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even kings in the day of his wrath.'

Fifth Pentacle of Mars

Write thou this pentacle upon virgin parchment or paper, because it is terrible unto the demons, and at its sight and aspect they will obey thee, for they cannot resist its presence. Around the figure of the scorpion is the word HVL. The versicle is from Psalm xci. 13.-- 'Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.'Protection from evil eyes,evil spirit,violent ghost and demons,good for those who engage in casting out demons

Sixth Pentacle of Mars

It hath so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attacked by any one, thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fightest with him, and his own weapons shall turn against him. Around the eight points of the radii of the pentacle are the words 'Elohim qeber, Elohim hath covered (or protected),' written in the secret alphabet of Malachim, or the writing of the angels. The versicle is from Psalm xxxvii. 15:— 'Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bow shall be broken.'Send back evil to the evil doer

Seventh(last) Pentacle of Mars

Write thou this upon virgin parchment or paper with the blood of a bat, in the day and hour of Mars; and uncover it within the circle, invoking the demons whose names are therein written; and thou shalt immediately see hail and tempest. In the center of the pentacle are the divine names, El and Yiai, which have the same numerical value when written in Hebrew. The letters in Hebrew, and in the secret alphabet called the Celestial, compose the names of spirits. Round the pentacle is:— 'He gave them hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land. He smote their vines also, and their fig-trees.' -- Psalm cv. 32, 33.

First Pentacle of The Sun

The countenance of Shaddaï the almighty, at whose aspect all creatures obey, and the angelic spirits do reverence on bended knees. This singular pentacle contains the head of the great angel Methraton or Metatron, the vice-gerent and representative of Shaddaï, who is called the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine cherub of the Ark, as Sandalphon is the left and feminine. On either side is the name 'El Shaddaï.' Around is written in Latin:— 'Behold his face and form by whom all things were made, and whom all creatures obey.' For influence, obedience and loyalty wear this pentacle and all will obey thee and you will be much respected by man and spirit

Second Pentacle of the Sun

This pentacle, and the preceding and following, belong to the nature of the Sun. They serve to repress the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits, which are altogether proud and arrogant by their nature. Mystical characters of the Sun and the names of the angels:— Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah, and Malkhiel

Third Pentacle of the Sun

This serveth in addition (to the effects of the two preceding) to acquire kingdom and empire, to inflict loss, and to acquire renown and glory, especially through the name of God, Tetragrammaton, which therein is twelve times contained. The name IHVH, twelve times repeated; and a versicle somewhat similar to Daniel iv. 34:— 'My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and my dominion endureth from age to age.' Good for kings and queens in power,Also good for politicians who want to be re-elected in every election,

Fourth Pentacle of the Sun

This serveth to enable thee to see the spirits when they appear invisible unto those who invoke them; because, when thou hast uncovered it, they will immediately appear visible. The names IHVH, Adonai, are written in the center in Hebrew; and round the radii in the mystical characters of the 'Passing of the River.' The versicle is from Psalm xiii. 3, 4:—'Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death, lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him.' With this pentacle you can see what people around you may not be able to see,good for ghost hunters,Anything invisible will be visible before your very eyes

Fifth Pentacle of the Sun

It serveth to invoke those spirits who can transport thee from one place unto another, over a long distance and in short time. Characters in the 'Passing of the River' Alphabet, forming spirit's names. The versicle is from Psalm xci. 11, 12:— 'He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands.' For easy and safe journey

Sixth Pentacle of the Sun

It serveth excellently for the operation of invisibility, when correctly made. In the center is the mystical letter Yod, in the Celestial Alphabet. The three letters in the 'Passing of the River' writing, in the angles of the triangle, form the great name Shaddaï. The words in the same characters round its three sides are, in my opinion, from Genesis i. 1:— 'In the beginning the Elohim created,' etc.; but the characters are sadly mangled in the MSS. The versicle is from Psalms lxix. 23, and cxxxv. 16:— 'Let their eyes be darkened that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake. They have eyes and see not.' This will protect you from robbers,Assassins and evil eyes for you will be invisible to them

Seventh/last Pentacle of Sun

If any be by chance imprisoned or detained in fetters of iron, at the presence of this pentacle, which should be engraved in Gold on the day and hour of the Sun, he will be immediately delivered and set at liberty. On the arms of the cross are written the names of Chasan, angel of Air; Arel, angel of Fire; Phorlakh, angel of Earth; and Taliahad, angel of Water. Between the four arms of the cross are written the names of the four rulers of the elements: Ariel, Seraph, Tharshis, and Cherub. The versicle is from Psalm cxvi. 16, 17:— 'Thou hast broken my bonds in sunder. I will offer unto thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of IHVH.

First Pentacle of Venus

This and those following serve to control the spirits of Venus, and especially those herein written. Mystical characters of Venus, and the names of the angels Nogahiel, Acheliah, Socodiah (or Socohiah) and Nangariel. For love,blessings of all kinds and wishes come through,The spirit of venus will be of greater help

Second Pentacle of Venus

These pentacles are also proper for obtaining grace and honor, and for all things which belong unto Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein. Also good for finding love. The letters round and within the pentagram form the names of spirits of Venus. The versicle is from Canticles viii. 6:— 'Place me as a signet upon thine heart, as a signet upon thine arm, for love is strong as death.'

Third Pentacle of Venus

This, if it be only shown unto any person, serveth to attract love. Its angel Monachiel should be invoked in the day and hour of Venus,1 at one o'clock or at eight. The following names are written within the figure:— IHVH, Adonai, Ruach, Achides, Ægalmiel, Monachiel, and Degaliel. The versicle is from Genesis i. 28:— 'And the Elohim blessed them, and the Elohim said unto them, Be ye fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.

Fourth Pentacle of Venus

It is of great power, since it compels the spirits of Venus to obey, and to force on the instant any person thou wishest to come unto thee. At the four angles of the figure are the four letters of the name IHVH. The other letters form the names of spirits of Venus, e.g.:— Schii, Eli, Ayib, etc. The versicle is from Genesis ii. 23, 24:— 'This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. And they two were one flesh.' -Focus your mind and thought on anyone you want and the spirit of venus will excite love between you two

Fifth/last Pentacle of Venus

When it is only showed unto any person soever, it inciteth and exciteth wonderfully unto love. Around the central square are the names Elohim, El Gebil, and two other names which I cannot decipher, and have, therefore, given them as they stand. The characters are those of the 'Passing of the River.' The surrounding versicle is from Psalm xxii. 14:— 'My heart is like wax, it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

First Pentacle of Mercury

It serveth to invoke the spirits who are under the Firmament. Letters forming the names of the spirits Yekahel and Agiel. -For all things good,it helps in your day to day activities

Second Pentacle of Mercury

The spirits herein written serve to bring to effect and to grant things which are contrary unto the order of Nature; and which are not contained under any other head. They easily give answer, but they can with difficulty be seen. The letters form the names of Böel and other spirits

Third Pentacle of Mercury

This and the following serve to invoke the spirits subject unto Mercury; and especially those who are written in this pentacle. Mystical characters of Mercury, and the names of the angels: Kokaviel, Ghedoriah, Savaniah, and Chokmahiel. Good for all purposes,ready to assist you in all things

Fourth Pentacle of Mercury

This is further proper to acquire the understanding and knowledge of all things created, and to seek out and penetrate into hidden things; and to command those spirits which are called Allatori to perform embassies. They obey very readily. In the center is the name of God, El. The Hebrew letters inscribed about the dodecagram make the sentence, 'IHVH, fix thou the Volatile, and let there be unto the void restriction.' The versicle is:— 'Wisdom and virtue are in his house, and the Knowledge of all things remaineth with him for ever

Fifth/last Pentacle of Mercury

This commandeth the spirits of Mercury, and serveth to open doors in whatever way they may be closed, and nothing it may encounter can resist it. Within the pentacle are the names El Ab, and IHVH. The versicle is from Psalm xxiv 7:— 'Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in.' -If you have been unlucky and not prosperous no matter what you do,This pentacle will be of great help

First Pentacle of Moon

The first pentacle of the Moon.-- This and the following serve to call forth and invoke the spirits of the Moon; and it further serveth to open doors, in whatever way they may be fastened. The pentacle is a species of hieroglyphic representation of a door or gate. In the centre is written the name IHVA. On the right hand are the names IHV, IHVH, AL, and IHH. On the left hand are the names of the angels: Schioel, Vaol, Yashiel, and Vehiel. The versicle above the names on either side, is from Psalm cvii. 16:— 'He hath broken the gates of brass, and smitten the bars of iron in sunder.' -Get ready for success,good luck and prosperity,The doors will be open and great blessings shall come in,it can also physically open locked doors in times of danger

Second Pentacle of Moon

This serveth against all perils and dangers by water, and if it should chance that the spirits of the Moon should excite and cause great rain and exceeding tempests about the circle, in order to astonish and terrify thee; on showing unto them this pentacle, it will all speedily cease. A hand pointing to the name El, and to that of the angel Abariel. The versicle is from Psalm lvi. 11:— 'In Elohim have I put my trust, I will not fear, what can man do unto me

Third Pentacle of Moon

This being duly borne with thee when upon a journey, if it be properly made, serveth against all attacks by night, and against every kind of danger and peril by water. The names Aub and Vevaphel. The versicle is from Psalm xl. 13:— 'Be pleased O IHVH to deliver me, O IHVH make haste to help me

Fourth Pentacle of Moon

This defendeth thee from all evil sources, and from all injury unto soul or body. Its angel, Sophiel [*Jophiel],1 giveth the knowledge of the virtue of all herbs and stones; and unto whomsoever shall name him, he will procure the knowledge of all. The divine name Eheieh Asher Eheieh, and the names of the angels Yahel and Sophiel. The versicle is:— 'Let them be confounded who persecute me, and let me not be confounded; let them fear, and not I

Fifth Pentacle of Moon

It serveth to have answers in sleep. Its angel Iachadiel serveth unto destruction and loss, as well as unto the destruction of enemies. Thou mayest also call upon him by Abdon and Dalé against all phantoms of the night, and to summon the souls of the departed from Hades. The divine names IHVH and Elohim, a mystical character of the Moon, and the names of the angels Iachadiel and Azarel. The versicle is from Psalm lxviii. 1:— 'Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; let them also who hate him flee before him.' -Also help to communicate with the departed loved ones and to obtain answers in dreams

Sixth/last Pentacle of Moon

This is wonderfully good, and serveth excellently to excite and cause heavy rains, if it be engraved upon a plate of silver; and if it be placed under water, as long as it remaineth there, there will he rain. It should be engraved, drawn, or written in the day and hour of the Moon. The pentacle is composed of mystical characters of the Moon, surrounded by a versicle from Genesis vii. 11, 12:— 'All the fountains of the great deep were broken up ... and the rain was upon the earth.' -Good for steady prosperity without fall

Great/Grand Pentacle

[It should be written on sheepskin paper or virgin parchment, the which paper should be tinted green. The circle with the 72 divine letters should be red or the letters may be gold. The letters within the pentacle should be the same red, or sky blue everywhere, with the great name of God in gold. It serves to convene all spirits; when shown to them they will bow and obey you.] The Mystical Figure of Solomon.-- This is only given in the two MSS., Lansdowne 1202 and 1203. It was given by Lévi in his Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, and by Tycho Brahé in his Calendarium Naturale Magicum, but in each instance without the Hebrew words and letters, probably because these were so mangled by illiterate transcribers as to be unrecognizable. After much labor and study of the figure, I believe the words in the body of the symbol to be intended for the Ten Sephiroth arranged in the form of the Tree of Life, with the name of Solomon to the right and to the left; while the surrounding characters are intended for the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I have, therefore, thus restored them. This figure forms in each instance the frontispiece of the MS. referred to. -SLM

***Place special order for your chosen pentacle >>>

1st Table of Spirits of Air

To carry upon the person the first table of the spirit of the air who are as quick to help as thought,will relieve the wearer from all necessity,be careful what you wish and constantly focusing on when you are wearing this table of the air,it will help in manifesting your wishes quickly

2nd Table of Spirits of Fire

This table of spirits of fire will protect you from evil eyes and bring you influence and blessings,for no man or evil spirit of any kind would be able to harm thee.

3rd Table of Spirits of Water

The third table brings great fortune by water and it's spirits will amply supply treasures of the deep,very good for prosperity and abundance.

4th Table of Spirits of Earth

The fourth table will bring the treasures of the earth, if it be laid in the earth it's spirits will bring the treasures of the earth at all times,good for business boom and success in all undertaken.

5th Table of Saturn

The fifth table of saturn will serve in everything according to wish,Their table will bring good luck in play,this is good for those who engage in game of chance

6th Table of Jupiter

The sixth table of jupiter assist in overcoming suit at law,dispute and at play,and their spirits are at all times ready to render assistance,very good for lawyers and people with court cases.

7th Table of Spirits of Mars

The seventh table of mars brings good fortune,In case of quarrels,The spirits of mars will help,Good for military people,it will keep them safe at war.

8th Table of Spirits of Sun

The eight table of the spirits of the sun will help to attain places of honor,wealth and they also give gold and treasure,it helps to obtain influence and respect.

9th Table of Spirits of Venus

The ninth table of the spirit of venus makes one beloved in all respects and makes known secret through dreams its spirits also assist liberally in all kinds of business,to obtain love of people and business progress waste no time.

10th Table of Spirits of Mercury

The tenth table of the spirits of mercury gives wealth in chemistry. These spirits contribute treasures of the mine.

11th Table of Spirits of Moon

The eleventh table gives luck and fortune. Its spirits give the treasure of the sea, these spirits bring good luck in game of chance and lottery. Wear it or carry it on you to win big.

12th Table Of Schemhamforasch

The twelfth table laid upon the table or seal of the spirits will compel them to appear immediately and to serve in all things[this table is for all purposes and can bring any spirit to serve you ,On all spirits of the magia Alba et Nigra

Helmets of Moses and Aaron

Whoever wears this on his person preferably on a gold plate will not die a sudden death,The names written on it are the names which the Egyptians used instead of the unutterable name of Asser Criel and are called The Fire of God and Strong Rock of Faith.

Breastplate of Moses

The Most High ,whom no eye hath seen,nor tongue spoke,the spirit which did great act and performed great wonders,this will protect you from all dangers,evil eyes and all sort of psychic attacks,it will drive away evil ghost and demons.

***Place special order for your chosen pentacle >>>