Love And Lust


Dishonesty and false pretense cause problems in relationships. Most people confuse love with lust.

Love is when you choose to be at your best when the other person is not at their best. Love is when what you want for yourself is less important than what the other person needs and wants. Love is about give and take, supporting, comforting, and helping each other grow morally, mentally and materially; and being there for each other no matter what.

Unfortunately people have misinterpreted the real meaning of love. When we meet an opposite sex the first time, we are physically attracted to that person because of some bodily features. This is lust With time, we may be deluded by this lust into thinking it is real because of the gifts, sex and some loving gestures. Eventually we become consumed by emotions, jealousy, anger, insecurity. Next, the inevitable suspicions of cheating, and the fear of losing a partner. This may sometimes end in bitter arguments and even violence.

This is lust in "action" not love. Initially we feel good about it. But after some time, we start losing interest. It becomes boring and tedious. At this stage, you may already be seeing someone else.

If we truly love, there would be no separations, divorce or abuse. When you honestly love, you help your partner grow morally, mentally. and emotionally. Otherwise, how can we express our love? Few people who show true love are mocked by friends for tolerating cheating partners. This type of love is possible when you understand the difference between love, habit and unfaithfulness.

This is why I don't like christian marriage vows -''for better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish til death do us part." This is a very powerful vow and should be taken seriously. Unfortunately this generation of young couples are so consumed with lust they don't give any thought to the implications of such vows.

Unfortunately in many relationships, the lust pull overtakes the love pull. This has contributed greatly to the high rates.