Thoughts And Circumstances


*Book of proverb chapter 23, verse 7: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

“Change your thoughts and you can change the world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“We are what we are, because of the vibrations of thought which we pick up and register, through the stimuli of our daily environment. Resolve to throw off the influences of any unfortunate environment, and to build your own life to ORDER.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich (1938); page 54.*

The delusion that has weakened our ability to thrive and achieve our goals is the belief that God, Angels or gods can magically deliver what we want to us by praying and asking them for happiness, wealth, riches, prosperity, abundance and good fortune.This is very common in all religions. If you have any motive for worshiping God, you are likely to lose faith in God if your request fails to materialize. Especially when it's obvious to you that people who don't call on God or pray are blessed with good health, prosperity and abundance. Often people become perplexed and start questioning the power of God.

No angel or demigod would magically make you rich or take away what you have created. And you don't necessarily have to pray to them to achieve your goal. They are like guardians and teachers. Our relationship with them is like the student and the teacher who guides and teaches the student..They show you the door but you are the one that walks through it or not. They teach you how to climb rather than pushing you up,when you fall they are there to encourage you to get up, showing and constantly reminding you that you have all the tools needed to climb to your destination. You are qualitatively one with the universe or God and have all His attributes. Therefore you are already blessed with all that you may be asking for.

The money, wealth, riches, good health, prosperity and abundance are already given to you. You don't need to ask or pray for it everyday. But to show gratitude for all the blessings given to you. The circumstances you are experiencing in your life is what you choose to see. You can choose to be happy or angry, poor or rich, healthy or ill, using the tools given to you to pick up whatever you want. The most powerful tools given to us are thoughts,words and feelings. So if you are constantly thinking of lack or diseases you are likely to see that in your life. This is the reason we call on angels or gods to help us eliminate all negative thoughts in us.

Every human being should be thankful for the gifts which have been bestowed upon him or her.

All power and energy to create or destroy comes from the mind. This mental power should at all times be under control of the will to execute the intentions, impulses and emotions..

The mind when properly controlled, produces productive thoughts that positively influences your surrounding. This shapes your destiny within the universe. This becomes apparent to all who have been close observers of the mentality of man. The power to create or destroy health, strength and happiness has its existence in the mind. A man's belief or condition of mind is all that can control him.

If he assumes by self-confessed weakness that he is impotent or that his body is susceptible to disease and pain, those will most certainly manifest.

If he believes that he has inherited some disease or poverty, his belief will bring unto himself these things.

Always be positive in all circumstances and ignore the things you don't want to see in your life. Practice meditation and learn how to concentrate on your objectives. Open your heart and be ready to receive the gifts given to you by the universe. Don't ask just pick it up, it's already given to you.

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