72 Names Of God


Here are 72 powerful names of God. Each with its three versions by Bardon, Agrippa and Abulafia:

Bardon | Agrippa | Abulafia

1. Vehu-iah | Vehu-jah | Vaheva[-yah]

2. Jeli-el | Jeli-el | Yolayo[-el]

3. Sita-el | Sita-el | Sayote[-el]

4. Elem-iah | Elem-jah | Ealame[-yah]

5. Mahas-iah | Mahas-jah | Meheshi[-yah]

6. Lelah-el | Lelah-el | Lalahe[-el]

7. Acha-iah | Acha-jah | Aacahe[-yah]

8. Kahet-el | Cahet-el | Cahetha[-el]

9. Azi-el | Hazi-el | Hezayo[-el]

10. Alad-iah | Alad-jah | Aalada[-yah]

11. Lauv-iah | Lavi-jah | Laaava[-yah]

12. Haha-iah | Haha-jah | Heheea[-yah]

13. Jezal-el | Jezal-el | Yozala[-el]

14. Mebah-el | Mebah-el | Mebehe[-el]

15. Hari-el | Hari-el | Hereyo[-el]

16. Hakam-iah | Hakam-jah | Heqome[-yah]

17. Lano-iah | Leav-jah | Laaava[-yah]

18. Kali-el | Cali-el | Calayo[-el]

19. Leuv-iah | Levu-jah | Lavava[-yah]

20. Pahal-iah | Pahal-iah | Pehela[-yah]

21. Neleka-el | Nelcha-el | Nulaca[-el]

22. Jeiai-el | Jeii-el | Yoyoyo[-el]

23. Melah-el | Melah-el | Melahe[-el]

24. Hahu-iah | Hahvi-ja | Cheheva[-yah]

25. Nith-Ha-iah | Nitha-jah | Nuthahe[-yah]

26. Haa-iah | Haa-jah | Heaaaa[-yah]

27. Jerath-el | Jerath-el | Yoretha[-el]

28. See-iah | See-jah | Shiaahe[-yah]

29. Reii-el | Reii-el | Reyoyo[-el]

30. Oma-el | Oma-el | Aavame[-el]

31. Lekab-el | Lecab-el | Lacabe[-el]

32. Vasar-iah | Vasar-jah | Vashire[-yah]

33. Jehu-iah | Jehu-jah | Yocheva[-yah]

34. Lahab-iah | Lehah-jah | Laheche[-yah]

35. Kevak-iah | Cavac-jah | Cavako[-yah]

36. Menad-el | Manad-el | Menuda[-el]

37. Ani-el | Ani-el | Aanuyo[-el]

38. Haam-iah | Haam-jah | Heeame[-yah]

39. Reha-el | Reha-el | Reheea[-el]

40. Ieiaz-el | Jeiaz-el | Yoyoza[-el]

41. Hahah-el | Haha-el | Hehehe[-el]

42. Mika-el | Mica-El | Meyoca[-el]

43. Veubi-ah | Veval-jah | Vavala[-yah]

44. Ielah-iah | Jelah-jah | Yolahe[-yah]

45. Seal-iah | Saal-jah | Saaala[-yah]

46. Ari-el | Ari-el | Eareyo[-el]

47. Asal-iah | Asal-jah | Eashila[-yah]

48. Miha-el | Miha-el | Meyohe[-el]

49. Vehu-el | Vehu-el | Vaheva[-el]

50. Dani-el | Dani-el | Danuyo[-el]

51. Hahas-iah | Hahas-jah | Hecheshi[-yah]

52. Imam-iah | Imam-jah | Eameme[-yah]

53. Nana-el | Nana-el | Nunuaa[-el]

54. Nitha-el | Nitha-el | Nuyotha[-el]

55. Meba-iah | Mebah-jah | Mebehe[-yah]

56. Poi-El | Poi-El | Pevayo[-el]

57. Nemam-iah | Nemam-jah | Numeme[-yah]

58. Jeial-el | Jeiali-el | Yoyola[-el]

59. Harah-el | Harah-el | Hereche[-el]

60. Mizra-el | Mizra-el | Mezare[-el]

61. Umab-el | Umab-el | Vamebe[-el]

62. Jah-H-el | Jahh-el | Yohehe[-el]

63. Anianu-el | Anav-el | Eanuva[-el]

64. Mehi-el | Mehi-el | Mecheyo[-el]

65. Damab-iah | Damab-jah | Damebe[-yah]

66. Manak-el | Menak-el | Menuko[-el]

67. Eiai-el | Eia-el | Aayoea[-el]

68. Habu-iah | Habu-jah | Chebeva[-yah]

69. Roch-el | Roeh-el | Reaahe[-el]

70. Jabam-iah | Jabam-jah | Yobeme[-yah]

71. Hai-el | Haiai-el | Heyoyo[-el]

72. Mum-iah | Mum-jah | Mevame[-yah]

Auspicious Times For The 72 Names Of God


INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES: 00:01 - 00:20 21th March until the 25th inclusively

His attribute is interpreted as God elevated and exalted above all things . He rules over the Hebrews.

The name of God in that language is called Jehovah.

He governs the first ray of the East in the spring season, that is to say the first five degrees of the circle which begins at midnight

on 21th March until the 25thinclusively, corresponding to the first decade of the sacred calendar, and to the first angel,

called Chontare, under the influence of Mars: this angel, and those which follow up to the 8th one, belong to the First Order of Angels which the Orthodox call the Choir of the Seraphim.

He inhabit the realm of fire: his sign is Aries, and he rules also the following five days:

20th March, 31st May, 11th August, 22 October and 2nd January.

His invocation is made towards the East, from midnight exactly until 12:20am, to receive light. It is by virtue of these divine names that one may become

illuminated by the spirit of God; one must pronounce them from midnight precisely until 12:20,

talisman must be prepared according to the principles of the kabbalistic art.

The person who is born under the influence of this angel has a skillful nature; being blessed with great wisdom, a lover of the Arts and Sciences,

capable of undertaking and executing the most difficult things; having a love for military service, due to the influence of Mars;

having abundant energy, due to the dominance of fire.

Meditation on this name bring: Time Travel: Awaken remorse in your heart for prior misdeeds. Accept the frank spiritual truth that problems in your life are the result of past actions. Uproot the negative seeds that you have already planted and in doing so transform your past, reshape the present, and create a future full of joy and fulfillment.

The negative side of this angel influences turbulent men; and rules over promptness and anger.


INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;00:21 - 00:40 26th March until the 30th inclusively

His attribute is Helpful God . He rules over Turkey (these people give

God the name of Aydy). His ray begins from the 6th degree until the 10th inclusive, corresponding to the influence of the angel

called Asican and to the first decade. He also presides over the following days: 21st March, 1st June, 12th August, 23rd October and 3rd January

One invokes this angel to calm popular sedition, and to obtain victory over those who would attack you unjustly

This angel rules over kings and princes, and keeps their subjects obedient; he has influence over the generation all beings

which exist in the animal realms; here establishes peace between spouses and maintains conjugal fidelity.

Those born under this influence have a cheerful spirit, agreeable and genteel manners; they are passionate in sex.

Meditation on this name bring: Recapturing the Sparks: Shards of Light are drawn out of the destructive entities that reside within your being.

Their life force is cut off and you then replenished with Divine energy. Life grows brighter each and every day as billions of sacred sparks return to your soul!

To quell popular uprisings. To obtain victory over those who attack unjustly. Sprightly spirit, agreeable and courteous manners, passionate for sex.

The negative side of this angel dominates everything detrimental to animate beings; it delights in sundering spouses by distracting them from their duties;

he inspires a taste for celibacy, and bad morals


Against adversities. Protects against weapons and wild beasts. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige those in need of his services.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES 00:41 - 01:00 31th March until the 4th April inclusively

His attribute is God, the hope of all creatures . His ray begins at the 11th degree of the circle to the 15th inclusive, corresponding to the second decade and to the angel called Chontachre, under the influence of the Sun; he presides over the following days: 22nd March, 2nd June, 13th August, 24th October, 4th January.

One invokes this angel against adversity; The favorable time begins at 12: 40am and continues to 1:00am. He rules over nobility, magnanimity and great works; he protects again arms and ferocious beasts.

A person born under this influence loves truth; keep his word and takes pleasure in helping those who need assistance.

Meditation on this name bring: Miracle Making - Free yourself from all selfishness, envy, anger, and self-pity. By rejecting these negative temptations, you free to invoke this Name thereby igniting the power of miracles in your life.

The negative side of this angel rules hypocrisy, ingratitude and perjury


Against mental troubles and for the identification of traitors. Governs voyages, sea travels. Industrious, successful, keen for travel.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;01:01 - 01:20 5th April until the 9th April inclusively

His attribute is Hidden God . He corresponds to the holy name of God: Allah in the Arabic language.

His ray begins at the 16th degree of the circle up to the 20th inclusive, corresponding to the second decade and to the angel called Senacher.

He rules over the following days: 23rd March, 3rd June, 14th August, 25th October and 5thJanuary.

One invokes this angel against spiritual torment and to know the names of traitors. The favourable time begins at 1:00am up to 1:20am.

This angel rules over travel, maritime expeditions, and he rules over useful discoveries. The person born under its influence will be industrious, happy in his

enterprises, and will have a passion for travel.

Meditation on this name bring: Eliminating Negative Thoughts: Switching off the destructive thoughts that emanate from the ego. In the space that you will open, a gentle radiance of spiritual Light will appear.

The negative side of this angel rules over bad education, discoveries dangerous to society; he brings hindrance to all enterprises


To live in peace with everyone. Governs high science, occult philosophy, theology, the liberal arts. Learns easily, keen for honest pleasures.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES; 01:21 - 01:40 10th April until the 14th April inclusively

His attribute is God saviour . He corresponds to the holy name of Teut or Theuth , after the Egyptian language.

His ray begins at the 21st degree up to the 25th degree inclusive, corresponding to the third decade and the angel called Seket, under the influence of Venus;

he rules over the following five days: 24th March, 4th June, 15th August, 26th October and 6th January.

His invocation is performed from 1:20am till 1:40am. One invokes this angel to live in peace with the entire world;

He rules over the high sciences, occult philosophy, theology and the liberal arts.

The person born under this influence learns all that they desire with ease; has an agreeable physiognomy and character, and will be keen on honest pleasures.

Meditation on this name bring: Healing: The power of this Name brings the energy of healing at the deepest and most profound level of your being, because it help you accept full responsibility for your present condition, and because you can use your energy to concentrate on others who also need healing.

The negative side of this angel rules ignorance, libertinage and all bad qualities of mind and body.


INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;01:41 - 02:00 15th April until the 20th April inclusively

His attribute is Praiseworthy God . He corresponds to the name Abgd, from the Ethiopian language.

His ray begins from the 26th degree to the 30th inclusive, corresponding to the third decade and to the angel called Asentacer; he rules over the following days: 25th

March, 5th June, 16th August, 27th October, 7th January.

One invokes this angel to acquire knowledge and to cure illnesses;

The favorable time begins at 1:40am till 2:00am. This angel rules over love, renown, sciences, arts and fortune.

The person born under this influence will love to converse, and will acquire fame through his talents and actions.

Meditation upon this name bring Dream State: With this Name you will dream truthfully. Your soul will ascend to safe and loving places during the night. You will awake each morning recharged. Reinvigorated. Renewed in body and spirit. Wiser.

The negative side of this angel rules ambition; he brings men to want to elevate themselves above their fellow man; he influences all those who seek to acquire a fortune through illicit means.


Governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to accomplish the most difficult tasks.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;02:01:- 02:20 21th April until the 25th April inclusively

His attribute is Good and Patient God . His ray begins at the 31st degree of the circle up to the 35th inclusive, corresponding to the fourth decade and to the angel called Chous, under the influence of Mercury. He presides over the following days: 26th March, 6th June, 17th August, 28th October and 8th January.

This angel rules over patience; he reveals the secrets of nature; he influences the propagation of knowledge and industry. The person born under this influence will love to learn about useful subjects; he will glory in executing the most difficult works, and will discover many useful practices of the arts.

Meditation on this name bring: DNA of the Soul: With this Name you will receive nothing less than the full impact of the forces of Creation. It restore meaning to your life that often feels meaningless, and purpose to a world that often appears aimless. Order returns. Structure emerges. Everything is tidied up.

The negative side of this angel is the enemy of knowledge; he rules over negligence, laziness and insouciance for study.


To obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. Governs agricultural production. Inspires man to rise towards God.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;02:21 - 02:40 26th April until the 30th April inclusively

His attribute is Adorable God . He corresponds to the holy name Moti from the Georgian language. His ray begins at the 36th degree of the circle up to the 40th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fourth decade and to the angel called Asicat. He presides over the following days: 27th March, 7th June, 18th August, 29th October and 9th January.

He serves to obtain God's blessing and to chase away evil spirits. This angel rules over all agricultural production, and principally those which are necessary to the existence of men and animals. He inspires man to raise himself towards God, to thank Him for all the goods He sends to the earth. The person born under this influence will love work, agriculture, the countryside and hunting, and will be very active in business.

Meditation on this name bring: Defusing Negative Energy and Stress: Purifying Light banishes the unseen ominous forces and deactivates harmful influences that may be lurking nearby, especially those that dwell inside you. Stress dissolves. Help release Pressure.Help balance and positive energy permeate in your being and your world.

The negative side of this angel provokes all that is harmful to agriculture; he incites man to blaspheme against God


Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, execution of a promise made (sic). Governs good faith and reconciliation. Sincere in promises, will easily extend pardon.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;02 :41 - 03:00 1th May until the 5th May inclusively

His attribute is Merciful God . He corresponds to the holy name Agzi, from the language of the Abyssinians. His ray begins at the 41st degree up to the 45th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fifth decade and to the angel names Ero; under the influence of the Moon. This angel and those, which follow up to the 16th, belong to the Second Order of Angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of the Cherubim. He rules over the following days: 28th March, 8th June, 19th August, 30th October and 10th January.

He serves to obtain God's mercy, the friendship and favours of the great, and the execution of promises made by a person. He rules over good faith and reconciliation.

Those born under this influence will be sincere in their promises, and will easily pardon those who commit an offence against them.

Meditation on this name bring: Angelic Influences: Using this Name let you access the network of angels. You can remove negative angels and their chaotic influence in your life and ignite the support and assistance of positive angels.

The negative side of this angel dominates hate and hypocrisy; he rules those who seek to deceive by all possible means; he keeps enemies irreconcilable.


Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. Governs rage and pestilence, cure of disease. Good health, successful in his undertakings.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;03:01 - 03:20 6th May until the 10th May inclusively

His attribute is Propitious God . He corresponds to the divine names of Sire and Eipi, in the tongue of the Persians. His ray begins at the 46th 59 degree to the 50th inclusive, corresponding to the fifth decade and to the angel called Viroaso. He rules the following days: 29th March, 9th June, 20th August, 31st October and 11th, January. He is good for those who have hidden crimes and who fear discovery.

This angel rules against rabies and plague, and influences recovery from illnesses. The person who is born under this influence enjoys good health, and will be happy in his enterprises, esteemed by those who know him; he will frequent the most sophisticated societies.

Meditation on this name bring: Evil eye protection: Your own potential to cast the evil eye at others is diminished. A shield of positive energy surrounds you providing protection from the negative glances, looks of envy, and mean spirited intentions of others.

The negative side of this angel influences those who neglect their health and business


Against lightning and for the obtainment (sic) of victory. Governs renown. Great personage, learned, celebrated for personal talents.

INFLUENCE TIME DATES;03:21 - 03:40 11th May until the 15th May inclusively

His attribute is Praised and Exalted God . It corresponds to the holy name Deus from the Latin tongue. His ray starts at the 51st degree of the circle up to the 55th inclusive, corresponding to the sixth decade, and to the angel named Rombomare, under the influence of Saturn. He rules the following days: 30th March, 10th June, 21th August, 1st November and 12th January. The propitious time begins at 3:20am till 3:40am.

He serves against lightning and to obtain victory. This angel rules renown; he influences great persons, the wise, and all those who become famous through their talents.

Meditation on this name bring: Banishing the Remnants of Evil: The Light of this Name deactivates negative energy and cleanses your environment.

The negative side of this angel rules pride, ambition, jealousy and slander


Against adversity. Governs dreams. Mysteries hidden from mortals. Gentle, witty, discreet manners.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;03:41 - 04:00 16th May until the 20th May inclusively

His attribute is God of Refuge . He corresponds to the holy name Theos from the Greek tongue. His ray begins from the 56th degree of the circle to the

60th inclusive, corresponding to the sixth decade and to the angel called Atarph; he rules over the following days: 31st March, 11th June, 22nd August, 2nd November, 13th January. One invokes the help of this angel against adversaries;

The auspicious period begins at 3:40am and lasts till 4:00am. He rules over depths, and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals. He influences wise, spiritual and

discreet persons. A person born under this influence has affable habits, a pleasant physiognomy and agreeable manners.

Meditation on this name bring: Unconditional love: Help you to give love to all human kind and by that bring love into your life. Create harmony between yourself and other people and between humanity and the natural world.

The negative side of this angel rules indiscretion and untruth; he rules over all those who abuse peoples' trust


Governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal fidelity. Learns easily. Adroit.

Influence time and dates 04:01 - 04:20 21th May until the 25th May inclusively

His attribute is God Glorified In All Things . He corresponds to the holy name of the God Boog from the Illyrian tongue. His ray begins at the 61stdegree and goes to the 65th inclusive, corresponding to the seventh decade and to the angel called Theosolk, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 1st April, 12th June, 23rd August, 3rd November, 14th January. The propitious time begins at 4:00am and ends at 4:20am.

He rules friendship, reconciliation and conjugal fidelity. A person born under this influence will learn everything he desires with ease; he will have happy memories and will distinguish himself through his speech.

Meditation on this name bring: Heaven on earth: Ignite the light of the Messiah inside you, within others and throughout the planet. Help realise the concept of heaven on earth.

The negative side of this angel rules over ignorance, error and lies, and influences those limited souls who wish neither to learn nor to do anything.


Against those who seek to usurp the fortunes of others. Governs justice, truth, liberty. Delivers the oppressed and protects prisoners. Loves jurisprudence, affinity for law courts.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;04:21 - 04:40 26th May until the 30th May inclusively

His attribute is Conservative God . He corresponds to the holy name Dios , from the Spanish tongue. His ray begins at the 66th degree up to the 70th degree inclusive, corresponding to the seventh decade and to the angel called Thesogar. He rules over the following days: 2nd April, 13th June, 24th August, 4th November, 15th January. One invokes this angel against those who seek to usurp another's fortune; The auspicious time begins at 4:20am till 4:40am. He rules over justice, truth and liberty; he delivers the oppressed and makes truth to be known. The person born under this influence will love jurisprudence and will distinguish himself at the Bar.

Meditation on this name bring: Farewell to Arms: Just as the light of a bulb banishes darkness from a room, conflict on every scale between people arguing about a parking space, or between nations arguing about an oilfield. This name is brought to a peaceful end through the Light of this Name.

The negative side of this angel rules over calumny, false witness and proceedings.


Against the impious. Governs sciences and arts. Religious sentiments, morally pure.

INFLUENCE TIME DATES;04:41 - 05:00 31th May until the 4th June inclusively

His attribute is Creator God . He corresponds to the holy names Idio or Iddio , from the Italian tongue. His ray begins at the 71st degree up to the 75th degree inclusive, corresponding to the eighth decade and to the angel called Ouere. He rules over the following days: 3rd April, 14th June, 25th August, 5thNovember, 16th January.

One invokes this angel against those who blaspheme against religion.

The auspicious time begins at 4:40am till 5:00am. This angel rules over the arts and sciences; he influences useful discoveries and new methodologies. The person born under this influence will love the company of good people; he will love religious sentiment and will distinguish himself through the purity of his morals.

Meditation on this name bring: Long range vision: help to clear your vision and foresight every part of your life. Grasp the cause and effect relationship that govern all reality. remove the momently illusions and help to be focused on real results. open your eyes and help you to feel more through your intuition.

The negative side of this angel rules over schisms, and religious wars; he influences the impious and all those who spread dangerous sects, and search for the means to establish them anew.


Against traitors and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us (sic). Governs crowned heads, great captains. Gives victory. Frank, loyal, brave character, sensitive to points of honour, an affinity for Venus.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;05:01 - 05:20 5th June until the 9th June inclusively

His attribute is God Who Establishes The Universe . He rules over France and corresponds to the name of Dieu in the language of this nation. His ray begins at the 76th degree up to the 80th degree inclusive, corresponding to the eighth decade and to the angel called Verasua. He rules over the following days: 4th April, 15th June, 26th August, 6th November, 17th January. One invokes this angel against traitors, to obtain victory over the enemy, and to be delivered from those who wish to oppress us;

One must recite this prayer every day, face turned towards the East, from 5:00am till 5:20am. This angel rules over crowned heads and great captains; he gives victory and warns of sedition; he influences fire, arsenals and all things connected with the genie of war. The man who is born under this influence has a frank, loyal and brave character, susceptible to honor, faithful to his obligation and passionate in love

Meditation on this name bring: Dumping Depression: Let you have now been bestowed with the emotional strength to stand after stumbled, to rise after you have fallen, and to endure when the path seems unendurable.

The negative side of this angel rules over traitors; he provokes treason, sedition and revolt.


To be invoked while fasting. Against mental anguish, sadness. Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves music, poetry, literature and philosophy.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;05:21 - 05:40 10th June until the 15th June inclusively

His attribute is Admirable God . He corresponds to the name of Goth , from the German tongue. His ray begins at the 81st degree up to the 85th degree inclusive, corresponding to the ninth decade and to the angel called Phuor, under the influence of the Sun. He rules over the following days: 5th April, 16th June, 27th August, 7th November, 18th January. This angel and those which follow belong to the Third Order of Angels called the Choir of Thrones The invocation is made each day of fasting, from 5:00am till 5:20am;

He serves against spiritual torment, sadness and to sleep well at night. He rules over the high sciences, marvelous discoveries, and gives revelations in dreams. The person who is born under this influence will love music, poetry, literature and philosophy.

Meditation on this name bring: the greatest of all freedoms: the escape from my own ego-based desires, selfish inclinations, and the "me first" mentality that ultimately cause pain in your life. In their place, you gain life's true and lasting gifts family, friendship, and fulfillment.

The negative side of this angel dominates atheism, impious philosophers and all those who attack religious dogma.


To obtain prompt aid. Makes truth known in law suits, causes innocence to triumph. Just, honest, loves truth, judiciary.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;05:41 - 06:00 16th June until the 20th June inclusively

His attribute is God Prompt To Grant . He corresponds to the name Boog , from the Polish tongue. His ray begins at the 86th degree of the circle uyp to the 90th, corresponding to the ninth decade and to the angel named Tepistatosoa; herules the following days: April 6th, 17th June, 28th August, 8th November, 19th January. One invokes this angel to obtain prompt assistance in the face of some adversity; The auspicious time begins at 5:40am till 6:00am. This angel allows knowledge of truth in proceedings, and allows innocence to triumph, he confounds the guilty and false testimony. The person born under this influence will be just and possess integrity, love truth, and will distinguish himself in magistracy.

Meditation on this name bring: Abundance and fruitfulness fill your being. You will imbued with the power of procreation. Your personal meditation is more powerful if you can also meditate upon others who are trying to start a family.

The negative side of this angel rules over scandalous processes, and influences vile, base and rampant men, and those who seek to confound business and enrich themselves at the expense of their clients.


To be invoked while facing South. To obtain the grace of God. Governs memory, human intelligence. Amiable, lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;06:01 - 06:20 21th June until the 25th June inclusively

His attribute is God Who Forgives Sinners . He corresponds to the name Bogy of the Hungarian language. He governs the first ray of the South, which begins at the 91st degree up to the 95th degree inclusive, corresponding to the tenth decade and to the angel named Sotis, under the influence of Venus; he presides over the following days: 7th April, 18th June, 29th August, 9th November, 20th January. One invokes the aid of this angel towards the south, from 6:00am to 6:20am,

Meditation on this name can activate direct dial to God. You take in the name you dial, you connect, your truest prayers will be answered at the speed of "Light".


Against enemies of religion. Governs religion, theology, morality, chastity, purity. Ecclesiastical vocation.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;06:21 - 06:40 26th June until the 30th June inclusively

His attribute is Redemptor God . He corresponds to the holy name Tios in the Muscovite tongue. His ray begins at the 95th degree to the 100th degree inclusive, corresponding to the tenth decade and to the angle called Sothis; he presides over the 8th April, 19th June, 30th August, 10th November, 21st January, which correspond to the influence of Venus. The invocation is performed from 6:20am to 6:40am; He serves against the enemies of religion. This angel rules religion, theology and morality; he influences chastity and piety in those whose vocation is towards the ecclesiastical state.

Meditation on this name will make you ready to battle the nasty habits and unpleasant character traits that you have not been able to get rid of. This Name ensures victory over the forces of ego. It will make you imbued with the emotional power and discipline to triumph over all self-centered impulses and negative desires.

The negative side of this angel rules irreligion, apostates, libertines and renegades


Against calumniators and spells and for the destruction of evil spirits. Governs astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences. Loves poetry, literature, avid for study.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;06:41 - 07:00 1th July until the 5th July inclusively

His attribute is God is One and Unique . He corresponds to the name Bueg in the language of the Bohemians. His ray begins at the 101st degree up to the 105th degree inclusive, corresponding to the eleventh decade and to the angel called Sith, under the influence of Mercury. He presides over these days: 9th April, 20th June, 31st August, 11th November, 22nd January. The invocation is made between 6:40am and 7:00am.

He serves against caliomnators, charms, and works to destroy the power of evil spirits. This angel rules over astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences; he influences the wise and philosophers. The person born under this influence loves poetry and literature, and have a passion for study; he will distinguish himself in mathematics and geometry.

Meditating on this name summons forth Light to wipe out these plagues at their root. Think about smoking, cancer, AIDS, pollution, nuclear waste, depression, heart disease, hatred, or any other plague that infects the world. Now summon forth Light to wipe out these plagues at their root.

The negative side of this angel rules ignorance, error and prejudice


Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, influence on voyages, discoveries, protection against storms and shipwreck. Loves business

industriousness, liberal and philanthropic ideas

Influence time and dates 07:01 - 07:20 6th July until the 10th July inclusively

His attribute is The Right of God . He corresponds to the holy name Good , in the English language. His ray begins from 106th degree of the circle up to the 110th inclusive, corresponding to the eleventh decade and to the angel called Syth, under the influence of Mercury. He rules over the following days: 10th April, 21st June, 1st September, 12th November, 23rd January. The invocation is made from 7:00am until 7:20am; This angel rules over fortune, renown, diplomacy and commerce; he influences oyages, discoveries and maritime expeditions; he protects against tempests and shipwrecks. The person born under this influence will love commerce, be industrious and will distinguish himself through his liberal and philanthropic ideas.

Meditating on this name will bring you to become the high priest in the temple of your own being. Through the power of this Name, your soul is imbued with divine energy, and evil people are banished from your presence.

The negative side of this angel rules over pirates, corsairs and slaves; he influences maritime expeditions.


Against weapons and for safety in travel. Governs water, produce of the earth, and especially plants necessary for the cure of disease. Courageous, accomplishes honorable actions.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;07:21 - 07:40 11th July until the 15th July inclusively

His attribute is God who delivers the evil . He corresponds to the name Dieb in the Hibernian language. His ray begins at the 111th degree of the circle up to the 115th inclusively, corresponding to the twelfth decade and to the angel called Chumis, under the influence of the Moon. He rules over the following days: 11th April, 22nd June, 2nd September, 13th November, 24th January. The invocation is made from 7:20am to 7:40am, He serves against arms and to travel in safety. This angel rules water, all products of the earth and principally those plants necessary to the cure of illnesses. The person born under this influence is naturally hardy and capable of undertaking the most perilous expeditions; he distinguishes himself through honorable actions.

Meditating on this name will help you share the Light with friends, family, and the entire family of humankind. Your envisage openings and opportunities in the world for the global dissemination of this ancient wisdom. Ask for the strength to walk the talk. This Name arouses the forces of immortality and joy in the world.You must expect and demand nothing less.

The negative side of this angel influences all that is harmful to vegetation; he causes illnesses and plague.


To obtain the grace and mercy of God. Governs exiles, fugitives, defaulters. Protects against harmful animals. Preserves from thieves and assassins. Loves truth, the exact sciences, sincere in word and deed.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;07:41 - 08:00 16th July until the 20th July inclusively

His attribute is God good in himself . He corresponds to the holy name Esar in the Etruscan language. His ray begins from the 116th degree of the circle to the 120th inclusive, corresponding to the twelfth decade and to the angel called Thuimis.

He rules over the following days: 12th April, 23rd June, 3rd September, 14th November, 25th January.

The invocation is made from 7:40am to 8:00am

He serves to obtain grace and mercy from God. This angel rules over exiles, fugitive prisoners and condemned prisoners; he works against the discovery of secret crimes, and those men who commit them will escape justice provided they do not fall back into the same criminal ways. He protects against harmful beasts and he protects against robbers and assassins. Those born under this influence will love truth and the exact sciences; they will be sincere in their words and their actions.

Meditating on this name bring ascend into the Upper World to diminish the forces of darkness caused by your envious thoughts and jealous stares. By taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions you lessen the pain and suffering in the world.

The negative side of this angel rules over harmful beings; he leads men to commit crimes, and influences all those who seek to live by illicit means.


For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery of the truth of hidden mysteries. Governs occult sciences. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the day over which he presides. Influences those who practice the magic of the sages.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;08:01 - 08:20 21th July until the 25th July inclusively

His attribute is God who gives wisdom . He corresponds to the holy names of God Orsy in the language of the Magi. His ray commences at the 121st degree of the circle up to the 125th inclusive, corresponding to the thirteenth decade and to the angel called Charcumis, under the influence of Saturn. This angel and those, which follow up to the 32nd, belong to the fourth Order of Angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of Dominations. He rules over the following days: 13th April, 24th June, 4th September, 15th November, 26th January. The invocation is done from 8:00am till 8:20am;

He serves to gain wisdom and to discover the truth of hidden secrets. This angel rules over all the occult sciences; he gives revelations in dreams and particularly to those born on the day over which he rules; he influences wise men who love peace and solitude, and upon those who seek truth and practice the magic of the sages, which is that of God.

Meditating on this name bring The need to tell the truth, this Name gives the courage to open your heart before you open your mouth. And when you need to hear the truth, it gives you the strength to open your ears and close your mouth.

The negative side of this angel rules over black magic, which is that of the evil principal, the demon; this consists of making a pact with him through which he renounces God, he brings evil to mankind, animals and to products of the earth.


For the winning of a law suit. Protects those who search after truth. Influences politics, diplomats, secret expeditions and agents.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;08:21 - 08:40 26th July until the 30th July inclusively

His attribute is Hidden God . He corresponds to the holy divine names of Agdi and Abdi in the language of the Sarazins. His ray commences from the 126th degree up to the 130th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirteenth decade and to the angel called Aphruimis. He rules over the following days: 14th April, 25th June, 5th September, 16th November, 27th January. The invocation is done from 8:20am till 8:40am.

He serves to win judgments and to render judges favorable. This angel protects all those who seek the truth; he brings men to the contemplation of divine things; he rules over politicians, diplomats, plenipotentiaries, ambassadors, peace treaties and dealings and all pacts in general; he influences couriers, communications, agents and secret expeditions.

Meditating on this name let you know that harmony always underlies chaos and with this Name, balance and serenity are restored in the seven days of the week. Order emerges from chaos. Not only will your toast not fall on the buttered side, it won't fall at all!

The negative side of this angel rules over traitors, the ambitious and conspirators.


Removes the dark force's presence from your earnings and its destructive influence of your life. The light will be your silent partner Around you with endless blessings and protection.

To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs propagation of light (sic), civilization. Love (sic) peace, justice, science and arts; special affinity for literature.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;08:41 - 09:00 31th July until the 4th August inclusively

His attribute is God Who Punishes The Wicked . He corresponds to the holy divine names of Teos in the language of the Copts. His ray commences from the 131st degree up to the 135th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fourteenth decade and to the angel called Hepe, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 15th April, 26th June, 6th September, 17th November, 28th January.

He serves to confound the wicked and slanderers, and to be delivered from our enemies. This angel protects us from those who provoke us and unjustly attack us. He rules over the propagation of light, civilization and liberty. The person born under this influence loves peace, justice, sciences and the arts, and he distinguishes himself in literature.

Meditation upon this name removes the Dark Force's presence from your earnings, and its destructive influence from your life. The Light is now your silent partner. You will be surrounded by endless blessings and protection. It's a partnership made in heaven!

The negative side of this angel rules over ignorance, slavery and intolerance.


Against infirmities and thunder, protects against fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Governs health, simplicity. Has much judgment.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;09:01 - 09:20 5th August until the 9th August inclusively

His attribute is God Who Heals The Ill . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Adad in the language of the Assyrians.

His ray commences from the 136th degree up to the 140th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fourteenth decade and to the angel called Sithacer.

He rules over the following days: 16th April, 27th June, 7thSeptember, 18th November, 29th January. The invocation is done from 9:00am till 9:30am. He serves against infirmities and thunder. This angel protects against fires, ruined buildings, collapse, maladies, etc. He rules over health and longevity of life. The person born under this influence will be full of good judgment; he will only act with prudence and circumspection.

Meditating on this sequence of letters bring the energy of soul mates to aroused for your being.You will attract the other half of your soul. All your existing relationships are deeply enriched, imbued with soul mate energy.

The negative side of this angel rules over catastrophes, accidents and the cause of apoplexies; he influences people who never think before acting.


Against the impious and enemies of religion; for deliverance from all enemies both visible and invisible. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his utmost to destroy impiety.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;09:21 - 09:40 10th August until the 14th August inclusively

His attribute is God Quick To Help . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Zimi in the language of the Peruvians. His ray commences from the 141st degree up to the 145th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fifteenth decade and to the angel called Phupe, under the influence of Mars. He rules over the following days: 17th April, 28th June, 8th September, 19th November, 30th January. The invocation is done from 9:20am till 9:40am.

He serves against the impious and the enemies of religion, and to be delivered from all enemies both visible and invisible. This angel rules over all religious sentiment, divine philosophy and meditation. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his virtues and his zeal to propagate truth; he will make every effort to destroy impiety through his writings and by example.

Meditating on this name if you need to be painfully honest! It acknowledge every person or group of people that stir up feelings of anger, envy, malice, total disgust, or any combination thereof. With the Light of this Name, you have the power to drop the poisonous negative feelings that exist inside you!

The negative side of this angel rules over fanaticism and hypocrisy; he rules over all those who propagate irreligion through writings and dangerous maxims.


Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition of patience. Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation of beings. Chemists, doctors,surgeons. Affinity for anatomy and medicine.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;09:41 - 10:00 15th August until the 19th August inclusively

His attribute is Patient God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Tura in the language of the Indians. His ray commences from the 146th degree up to the 150th degree inclusive, corresponding to the fifteenth decade and to the angel called Phuonisie. He rules over the following days: 18th April , 29th June, 9th September, 20thNovember, 31th January. The invocation is done from 9:40am till 10:00am.

He serves against chagrin, despair and to have patience. This angel rules over the animal kingdom; he watches over the generation of beings, in order to see special multiply and races perpetuated; he influences chemists, doctors and surgeons. The person born under this influences will distinguish himself in anatomy and medicine.

Meditating on this Name extend the hand of friendship to people with whom you are in conflict even if the conflict is about money! You awaken compassion and summon the courage to pick up the phone and call the person right now. And that means right now! Accordingly, a bridge to the Upper World will be erected on your behalf.

The negative side of this angel is the enemy of propagation of beings; he influences monstrous phenomena.


Finish what you start: Aid to conclude everything you begin, especially tasks and goals of spiritual nature.

For the acquisition of knowledge. Governs vegetation and agriculture. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATES;10:01 - 10:20 20th August until the 25th August inclusively

His attribute is Inspiring God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Teli in the language of the Chinese. His ray commences from the 151st degree up to the 155th degree inclusive, corresponding to the sixteenth decade and to the angel called Tomi, under the influence of Sol. He rules over the following days: 19th April, 30th June, 10th September, 21st November, 1st February. One invokes the aid of Lecabel to have lights and for useful advantages in one's profession. The invocation is performed between 10:00am until 10:20am.

He rules over vegetation and agriculture. The person born under this influence will love astronomy, mathematics and geometry; he will distinguish himself through his luminous ideas, by resolving the most difficult problems and his talents will make his fortune.

Meditating on this Name endowed with the power to conclude everything, especially tasks and goals of a spiritual nature.

The negative side of this angel rules over avarice and usury; he influence those who enrich themselves by illicit means.


Against those who attack us (sic) in court. Governs justice. Good memory, articulate.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;10:21 - 10:40 26th August until the 30th August inclusively

His attribute is Just God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Anot in the language of the Tartars. His ray commences from the 156th degree up to the 160th degree inclusive, corresponding to the sixteenth decade and to the angel called Thumis. He rules over the following days: 20th April, 1st July, 11th September, 22nd November, 2nd February. One invokes the aid of this angel against those who attack us in the courts, and to obtain the grace of those who have recourse to the clemency of kings; in this case one must name the name of the person you are attacking and recite the motive; then pronounce the Divine Names and the 4th verse of Psalm 33: The auspicious time runs from 10:20am till 10:40am.

This angel rules over justice; he influences nobility, legal executives, magistrates and attorneys. The person born under this influence will have a good memory and speak eloquently with ease, and will be amiable, spiritual and modest

Meditating on this Name brings the power of memory arises within your consciousness. Lessons of life are deeply ingrained in your being.

The negative side of this angel rules over all the bad qualities of the body and the soul.


Revealing the dark side: help you to recognize the negative forces still active inside you. Help to over come your dark side, your negative impulses.

For the identification of traitors.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;10:41 - 11:00 31th August until the 4th September inclusively

His attribute is God Who Knows All Things . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Agad in the language of the Hesperides. His ray commences from the 161st degree up to the 165th degree inclusive, corresponding to the seventeenth decade and to the angel called Ouestucati under the influence of Venus. He rules over the following days: 21st April, 2nd July, 12th September, 23rd November, 3rd February. This angel and those, which follow up to the 40th, belong to the Fifth Order of Angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of Powers. The invocation is done from 10:40am till 11:00am.

He serves to recognize traitors, to destroy their projects and their machinations. This angel protects all Christian princes; he keeps their subjects in obeisance. The person born under this influence will love to fulfill all the works of his estate.

Meditating on this Name make the Light shines. You will recognize the negative forces still active within you. It will reactive impulses that are no longer a mystery. With the power of this Name, they become history!

The negative side of this angel rules over insubordinate beings; he provokes the seditious to revolt.


Against anger. Known for his talents and acts, the confidence and fervor of his prayers.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;11:01 - 11:20 5th September until the 9th September inclusively

His attribute is Clement God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Aneb in the language of the people of the Congo. His ray commences from the 166th degree up to the 170th degree inclusive, corresponding to the seventeenth decade and to the angel called Thopitus. He rules over the following days: 22nd April, 3rdJuly, 13th September, 24th November, 4th February. The invocation is done from 11:0am till 11:20am.,

This angel rules over crowned heads, princes and nobles; he maintains harmony, understanding and peace between them; he influences the obeisance of subjects towards their princes. The person born under this influence will become famous through his talents and his actions; he will have the confidence and favor of his prince, which he will merit because of his devotion, fidelity and the great service which he will render him.

By meditating on this name you will transcend the limits of your own being. It will cling to the Tree of Life. Happiness will finds you, now that your ego is out of the spotlight. You can get out of your own way, letting go of all stubbornness.

The negative side of this angel rules over discord; he provokes war, treason and the ruin of nations.


To regain the favor of those one has offended. Governs testaments, successions and all private financial agreements. Loves to live in peace with everyone. Loves rewarding the loyalty of those in his service.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;11:21 - 11:40 10th September until the 14th September inclusively

His attribute is God Who Gives Joy . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Anup . His ray commences from the 171st degree up to the 175th degree inclusive, corresponding to the eighteenth decade and to the angel called Aphoso, under the influence of Mercury. He rules over the following days: 23rd April, 4th July, 14th September, 25th November, 5th February. One invokes the aid of this angel to return to favor with those whom one has offended. The subject must pronounce the request, the Divine Names and mention the person; then you say the 1st verse of Psalm 116:

This must be recited each day, until one is reconciled with the person. The favorable time begins from 11:20am till 11:40am.

This angel rules over testaments, successions and all amiable distributions; he supports peace and harmony in families. The person born under this influence will love to live in peace with everybody, even to the cost of his interest; he will make it his duty to repay the fidelity and good offices of those in his service.

Meditation with this Name purify desires, bring you to share love and energy with partners, putting his or her needs ahead of your own. You ignite sexual energy so that your passion helps elevate all existence. You replenish the Light that was lost due to any prior selfish sexual activities.

The negative side of this angel causes discord in family arrangements; he provokes unjust and ruinous procedures.


Fearless: give the courage to conquer your fears, by proactively confronting your fears at the seed level, yank them out from the roots, remove them entirely from your being.

To retain one's employment and to preserve one's means of livelihood. Against calumny and for the deliverance of prisoners.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;11:41 - 12:00 15th September until the 19th September inclusively

His attribute is Adorable God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Alla in the language of the Moors. His ray commences from the 176th degree up to the 180th degree inclusive, corresponding to the eighteenth decade and to the angel called Aphut. He rules over the following five days: 24th April, 5th July, 15th September, 26th November, 6th Februry.

This angel is invoked to retain one's employment, and to preserve the means of existence which one enjoys; He serves against calumnies and to deliver prisoners. The auspicious time begins at 11:40am till 12:00 noon exactly. This angel gives light to distant people who have received no news for a long time; he brings exiles back to their native land, and uncovers mislaid or disturbed belongings.

Meditating on this Name bring courage to conquer fears rises within you . By proactively confronting your fears at the seed level, you will yank them out by the roots and remove them entirely from your being.

The negative side of this angel rules and protects all those who seek to flee abroad to escape justice.


To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. Governs sciences and arts. Reveals the secrets of nature, inspires philosophers, sages. Distinguished savant.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;12:01 - 12:20 20th September until the 24th September inclusively

His attribute is God of Virtues . He corresponds to the holy divine name of God Abda in the language of the ancient Philosophers. His ray commences from the 181st degree up to the 185th degree inclusive, corresponding to the nineteenth decade and to the angel called Souchoe, under the influence of the Moon. He rules over the following days: 25th April, 6th July, 16th September, 27th November, 7th February.

The invocation is done from midday till 12:20pm.

He serves to give victory and to raise the siege of a town. This angel rules over the sciences and the arts; he reveals the secrets of nature and inspires wise philosophers with their meditations. The person born under this influence will acquire celebrity through his talents and his enlightenment, and he will distinguish himself among the wise.

Meditation upon this Name raises awareness of the long term effects of your own actions. You can gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.

The negative side of this angel rules over perverse spirits; he influences charlatans and all those who excel in the art of misleading men.


For the acquisition of all the treasures of heaven and earth. Against fraud, weapons, wild beasts and infernal spirits. Governs all that relates to God.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;12:21 - 12:40 25th September until the 29th September inclusively

His attribute is God, The Hope of All the Children of the Earth . He corresponds to the great name of God Agla (God Three In One). Following the Kabbalist, This name is drawn from the mysterious verse in Scripture, which in French signifies: You are the strong God forever. It is composed of the first letters of these four words, beginning from the right to left His ray commences from the 186th degree up to the 190th degree inclusive, corresponding to the nineteenth decade and to the angel called Serucuth. He rules over the following days: 26th April, 7th July, 17th September, 28th November, 8th February. One invokes him with the Divine Names to acquire all the treasures in heaven and earth;

The Kabbalists say that this Psalm works against thunder, arms, ferocious beasts and infernal spirits. This angel rules over all religious cults, and above all those which relate to God; it protects all those which seek truth.

Meditation on this Name helps to receive when you share and to share when you receive. You can see the opportunity that sharing gives and will make you aware that when you receive with the right consciousness, you also share. This is the circuitry of life. When you connect to it,you will move out of the black hole and into the Light.

The negative side of this angel rules over error and falsehood and influences all those who have no religious principles.


Diamond in the rough: helping transform negative situations into positive opportunities and blessings. help to bring into your life what your soul desires.

For the healing of the sick. Governs health and longevity. Influences paternal and filial affection.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;12:41 - 13:00 30th September until the 4th October inclusively

His attribute is God Who Received Sinners . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Goot in the language of the Scottish. His ray commences from the 191st degree up to the 195th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twentieth decade and to the angel called Techout, under the influence of Saturn. He rules over the following days: 27th April, 8th July, 18th September, 29th November, 9th February. The invocation is done from 12:40pm till 1:00pm.

He serves as a cure for maladies and to obtain the mercy of God. This angel rules over health and long life; it influences paternal and filial love, and the obeisance and respect of children for their parents.

By this means you have the key of the 72 Hebrew verses written around the talismans of the 72 geniuses,which are found in the Kabbalistic sphere. Each of these verses contains the name of God and the attribute of the angel to which it corresponds. The Abbe de Villars recounts wonderful things while speaking of the great name AGLA, in his work entitled Le Comte de Gabalis (see the third conversation). The best edition is that by Amsterdam, by Jacques Lejeune, in 1700. It assures us that with this name one may work infinite marvels, even when pronounced by a profane mouth; it claims that those who desire to convince themselves of the truth of this must raise their imagination and their faith, and then turn towards the East, while performing all that is written in the Kabbalistic Rite.

Wise philosophers say that this name was revealed to Jacob when he saw in a dream the ladder of 72 rounds, with the 72 angels climbing to and descending from the place called the door of heaven; and they claimed that it was by this (word) that Joseph was delivered from his brothers and interpreted dreams, notably those of Pharaoh.

By meditating on this name You accomplish nothing less than the complete transformation of negative situations into positive opportunities and blessings. Life begins to taste like anything your soul desires or imagines.

The negative side of this angel is called Terre Morte or Terre Damnee following the expression of Eteilla, in his Philosophy of High Sciences, He is the most cruel and treacherous of all; he influences infanticides and parricides.


For the deliverance of prisoners, for consolation, for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs printing and books. Men of letters and artists.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;13:01 - 13:20 5th October until the 9th October inclusively

His attribute is God Who Rejoices . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Goed in the language of the Belgians. His ray commences from the 196th degree up to the 200th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twentieth decade and to the angel called Aterchinis. He rules over the following five days: 28th April, 9th July, 19th September, 30th November, 10th February. The invocation is done from 1:00pm till 1:20pm.

This psalm has marvelous properties; it serves to deliver prisoners, give consolation and to be delivered from one's enemies.

This angel rules over printing and libraries; he influences men of letters and artists. The person born under this influence will love speaking, design, and all sciences in general.

Meditate on this name to silence your ego. Push the mute button. call upon the Light to speak on your behalf, on all occasions, so that your every word elevates your soul and all existence.

The negative side of this angel rules over all evil qualities of the body and soul; he influences somber spirits and those who flee society.


Against the impious, slanderers. Governs Christianity. Greatness of soul, energy. Consecrated to the service of God.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;13:21 - 13:40 10th October until the 14th October inclusively

His attribute is God in Three Persons. He corresponds to the holy divine name of Gudi in the language of the Irish. His ray commences from the 201st degree up to the 205th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty first decade and to the angel called Chontare, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 29th April, 10th July, 20th September, 1st December,11th February.

This angel, and those who follow, up to the 48th, belongs to the fifth order of angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of Virtues. One invokes this angel from 1:20pm till 1:40pm, He serves against enemies of religion, the impious and slanderers.

This angel rules over Christianity; he protects missionaries and all the Disciples of Christ, who announce the words of the Scripture to nations; he influences pious souls, prelates, ecclesiastics and all those related to the priesthood.

The person born under this influence distinguishes himself by his greatness of soul and his energy; he is completely devoted to the service of God and does not fear martyrdom for Christ.

By meditating with this name you connected to the power of the ancient high priests of the temple to heal all areas of life including health problems, financial difficulties, and relationship conflicts.

The negative side of this angel rules over apostates, renegades and all those who dishonor the priesthood through their scandalous behavior.


For safety in travel. For the discovery of conspiracies. Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;13:41 - 14:00 15th October until the 19th October inclusively

The Kabbalist give him the following attributes: Virtue of God, House of God, Like unto God . He corresponds to the holy divine names of Buib or Biud in the language of the Canadians. His ray commences from the 206th degree up to the 210th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty first decade and to the angel called Arpien. He rules over the following days: 30th April, 11th July, 21st September, 2nd December, 12th February. The invocation is done from 1:40pm till 2:00pm

He serves to travel in safety. This angel rules monarchs, princes and nobles; he keeps their subjects subservient, uncovers conspiracies and all those who seek to destroy their persons and governments. The person born under this influence will become involved in political affairs; he will be curious, and will want to learn the secrets of private offices and foreign news, and he will distinguish himself in affairs of State through his knowledge of diplomacy.

By meditating on this name you will gather the ability to bring forth the powers of observation to see the truth . . . and the courage to handle it!

The negative side of this angel rules over traitors; he influences malevolence and all those who propagate false information


For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance from bondage. Love glory and the military.

INFLUENCE TIME DATE;14:01 - 14:20 20th October until the 24th October inclusively

His attribute is Dominating King . He corresponds to the holy name of Solu in the language of the Californians. His ray commences from the 211th degree up to the 215th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty second decade and to the angel called Stochene, under the influence of Mars. He rules over the following days: 1st May, 12th July, 22nd September, 3rd December, 13th February. The invocation is done from 2:00pm till 2:20pm, He serves to destroy the enemy and for deliverance from slavery.

This angel rules over peace and influences the prosperity of empires; he affirms tottering thrones and kingly power. The person born under this influence will love the military state and glory; he will be continually engaged in those sciences which are in rapport with the angel of war; he will become famous through the means of arms, and will attract the confidence of his prince through the services we renders him.

Meditate on this Name to unleash the power of mind over matter, soul over ego, and the spiritual over the physical. Your goal is not to renounce the physical world but to eliminate its control over you and to become the true captain of your own fate. Everything can becomes possible!

The negative side of this angel puts discord between princes; he influences the destruction of empires; he supports revolutions and party spirit.


Success of a useful undertaking. Protection against magistrates. Trials. Protects against armies, gives victory. Fond of travel and learning. All his undertakings are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities and courage.

INFLUENCE OF TIME AND DATE;14:21 - 14:40 25th October until the 29th October inclusively

His attribute is Eternal God . He corresponds to the holy name of Bosa in the language of the Mexicans. His ray commences from the 216th

degree up to the 220th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty second decade and to the angel called Sentacer. He rules over the following days: 2nd May, 13th July, 23rd September, 4th December, 14th February.

One invokes this angel to obtain success in a useful enterprise; He is good for getting the protection of magistrates and to win a lawsuit. This angel protects against arms; he gives victory. The person born under this influence will love to travel in order to learn, and will succeed in all his undertakings; he will distinguish himself through his military talents and his bravery, and his name will be famous in the pomp of glory.

Through meditation upon this sequence and with genuine penitence in your heart, you can lessen or even revoke judgments set forth against you. Meditate to offer forbearance and compassion to others.

The negative side of this angel rules over war, and causes all the calamities which arise from it; he influences all those who violate surrenders and massacre their prisoners without pity.


To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt the humiliated and the fallen. Governs vegetation. Loves learning, much aptitude.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;14:41 - 15:00 30th October until the 4th November inclusively

His attribute is Mover of All Things . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Hobo in the language of the people of Quito. His ray commences from the 221st degree up to the 225th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty third decade and to the angel called Sesme, under the influence of the Sun. He rules over the following days: 3rd May, 14th July, 24th September, 5th December, 15th February. The invocation is done from 2:40pm till 3:00pm.

He serves to confound the evil and the haughty; he lifts up all those who are humiliated and fallen. This angel rules over vegetation; he bears life and health in all that breathe and influences the principal agents of Nature. The person born under this influence will love to learn; he will have many resources and facilities.

By meditating on this name you will acknowledge that the Light of the Creator is the ultimate source of all prosperity and well-being. With this Name you summon the forces of prosperity and sustenance and ask for the strength to keep your ego in check when the other checks start rolling in.

The negative side of this angel rules over the atmosphere; he incites great heat or cold, great aridity or excessive humidity.


To procure revelations. To thank God for the good he sends us. Discovers hidden treasure, reveals the greatest secrets of nature, causes the object of one's desire to be seen in dreams. Strong subtle mind, new and sublime thoughts, discreet, circumspect.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;15:01 - 15:20 5th November until the 9th November inclusively

His attribute is Revealing God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Pino in the language of the people of Paraguay. His ray commences from the 226th degree up to the 230th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty third decade and to the angel called Tepiseuth. He rules over the following days: 4th May, 15th July, 25th September, 6th December, 16th February. One invokes this angel to have revelations;

He serves to thank God for the gifts He has sent us. The favorable hour begins at 3:00pm until 3:20pm.

This angel discovers hidden treasures; he reveals the greatest secrets of Nature and he shows the objects of one's desires in dreams. The person born under this influence is blessed with a strong and subtle spirit; he will have original ideas and sublime thoughts; he will be able to resolve the most difficult problems; he will be discreet and will act with much circumspection

By meditating on this Name you will fill your heart with certainty! certitude! conviction! sureness! And trust!

The negative side of this angel causes tribulations of spirit; he brings men to commit the greatest indiscretions and influences feeble people.


For the praising of God and the growing towards him when he enlightens us. Governs justice, makes the truth known in legal proceedings. Agreeable character, avid for the acquisition of secret knowledge.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;15:21 - 15:40 10th November until the 14th November inclusively

His attribute is Just God, Who Points To Truth . He corresponds to the holy divine name of Hana in the language of the people of Chile. His ray commences from the 231st degree up to the 235th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty fourth decade and to the angel called Sieme, under the influence of Venus. He rules over the following days: 5th May, 16th July, 26th September, 7th December, 17th February. The invocation is done from 3:20pm till 3:40pm,

He serves to praise God and to rise towards Him when he sends us light.

This angel rules over justice, men of probity, and over those who raise their spirit to the contemplation of divine things. The person born under this influence will have an agreeable character; he will be passionate to acquire secret light.

Meditating on this name will bring you to reflect upon the spiritual truth that world peace begins with peace in your own heart. With this Name, you can speed your own transformation and strengthen the forces of peace throughout the world.

The negative side of this angel rules over immoral and scandalous acts, and over all those who spread dangerous and chimerical schemes


For the preservation of peace and the union of man and wife. Protects those who address themselves to him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Governs generation of beings. Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures in general.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;15:41 - 16:00 15th November until the 19th November inclusively

His attribute is God, Rescuing Father . He corresponds to the holy name of Zaca in the language of the Japanese. His ray commences from the 236th degree up to the 240th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty fourth decade and to the angel called Senciner. He rules over the five following days: 6th May, 17th July, 27th September, 8th December, 18th February. The invocation is done from 3:40pm till 4:00pm

He serves to preserve peace and union between married couples. This angel protects those who have turn to him. They will have presentiments and secret inspiration about all that will happen to them. He rules over the generation of beings and he influences friendship and conjugal fidelity. The person born under this influence will be passionate for love; he will love walking and all pleasure in general.

Meditation with these letters, pass the true test of spiritual character: You will be able to see all sides of the problems that come before you. You will focus upon unity and soul as opposed to division and selfish desires.

The negative side of this angel rules over luxury, sterility and inconstancy; he creates discord between married couples and causes jealousy and inquietude.


Sorrow, contrariness. For the exaltation of oneself for the benediction and glory of God. Sensitive and generous soul. Literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;16:01 - 16:20 20th November until the 24th November inclusively

His attribute is Great and High God . He corresponds to the holy name of God Mara in the language of the inhabitants of the Islands of the Philippines. His ray commences from the 241st degree up to the 245th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty fifth decade and to the angel called Reno, under the influence of Mercury. He rules over the following days: 7th May, 18th July, 28th September, 9th December, 19th February.

This angel and those, which follow up to the 56th, belong to the seventh Order of Angels, which the Orthodox calls the Choir of Principalities. The invocation is done from 5:00pm till 5:20pm. One should recite the Psalm in its entirety when one is tested by afflictions and when one has a vexed spirit.

He serves to make one enflamed towards God, to bless Him and to glorify Him, when one is touched with admiration. This angel rules over great people and those who raise themselves and distinguish themselves through their talents and virtues. The person born under this influence will have a sensitive and generous nature; he will be held in esteem and will distinguish himself in literature, jurisprudence and diplomacy.

By meditating on this name you will find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name you can ask for your soul needs, not what your ego wants. Find deep appreciation for whatever life brings. This can bring happiness in the deepest sense.

The negative side of this angel rules over egotistical men; he rules hate and hypocrisy.


To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. Governs justice, lawyers, solicitors. Furnishes conclusions to those who hesitate. Industrious and active in business, loves literature and is distinguished for eloquence.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;16:21 - 16:40 25th November until the 29th November inclusively

His attribute is Sign of Mercy and, according to others, the Angel of Confessions. He corresponds to the holy name of Pola in the language of the Samaritans. His ray commences from the 246th degree up to the 250th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty fifth decade and to the angel called Eregbuo. He rules over the following days: 8th May, 19th July, 29th September, 10th December, 20th February. The invocation is done from 4:20pm till 4:40pm,

He serves to obtain God's mercy, and to receive consolation.

This angel rules over justice, counsels, attorneys and magistrates in general. He gives inspiration to those who are encumbered by many things, and do not know how to take decisions. The person born under this influence will be industrious and active in business; he will love literature and will distinguish himself through his eloquence.

Meditating on this name will bring your eyes and heart to remain focused on the end goal at all times. Awaken the persistence and passion to never and that means never ever settle for less!

The negative side of this angel rules over those who live by their wits, and all those who hate work and who seek to live by illicit means.


For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Governs chemistry and physics. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Loves abstract science. Devoted to the discovery of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. Distinguished in medicine.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;16:41 - 17:00 30th November until the 4th December inclusively

His attribute is Concealed God . He corresponds to the holy divine name of God Bila in the language of the Barsians. His ray commences from the 251st degree up to the 255th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty sixth decade and to the angel called Sesme, under the influence of the Moon. He rules over the following days: 9th May, 20th July, 30th September, 11th December, 21st February. The invocation is done from 4:40pm till 5:00pm,

He serves to raise the soul to the contemplation of divine things and to uncover the mysteries of wisdom.

This angel rules over chemistry and physics; he reveals the greatest of Nature's secrets, notably the Philosopher's Stone and the Universal Physic. The person born under this influence will love abstract sciences; he will be particularly attracted to the knowledge of the properties and virtues attributed to animals, vegetables and minerals; he will be distinguished in medicine through wonderful cures, and he will make many discoveries useful to society.

Meditating on this name recall negative deeds from your past. Reflect on some of your more unpleasant traits. Feel the pain that you have caused to others. Ask the Light to eradicate all your negative attributes. The force called repentance spiritually repairs your past sins and diminishes the dark side of your nature.

The negative side of this angel rules over charlatans and all those who abuse others' good faith, by promising them extraordinary things


Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience and courage. Fond of work.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;17:01 - 17:20 5th December until the 9th December inclusively

His attribute is God Raised Above All Things . He corresponds to name of Abag in the language of the Melindais. His ray commences from the 256th degree up to the 260th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty sixth decade and to the angel called Sagen. He rules over the following five days: 10th May, 21st July, 1st October, 12th December, 22nd Febuary. The invocation is done from 5:00pm till 5:20pm,

He is good for destroying the power of enemies and to humiliate them.

This angel rules over all travel in general; he protects prisoners who call upon him; and inspires in them the means to obtain their liberty; he influences all those who seek the truth of good faith, and turn away from their mistakes by making a truly sincere return to God. The person born under this influence will have a strong and vigorous temperament; he will bear adversity with much patience and courage; he will love work and will complete everything he wishes with ease.

Meditation on this this Name stokes the fires of passion to the soul.Give you the power to maintain sincerity, devotion, and correct consciousness in prayers, meditations, and spiritual connections.

The negative side of this angel rules over pride, blasphemy and evil; he influence coarse and quarrelsome men.


Aid when you have no agenda, give motivation for self interest, ulterior motives and hidden agendas, give way to pure acts of friendship, unconditional love and giving. Can take you out of the way creating true and loving friends, joy and fulfillment.

This Psalm is divided into 22 equal parts, corresponding to the 22 Hebrew letters and to the 22 sacred names of God, which correspond to each of these letters, and which indicate the ladder by which wise men climb towards the contemplation of God.

Governs the high sciences. Melancholy humor, avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;17:21 - 17:40 10th December until the 14th December inclusively

His attribute is God Who Brings Down The Proud . He corresponds to the holy name of Obra. His ray commences from the 261st degree up to the 265th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty seventh decade and to the angel called Chomme, under the influence of Saturn. He rules over the following days: 11th May, 22nd July, 2nd October, 13th December, 23rd February. The invocation is done from 5:20pm till 5:40pm,

This angel rules over the high sciences; he influences religious men, teachers, magistrates and men of law. The person born under this influence will possess a melancholic demeanor; he will pursue a private life, rest and meditation, and he will distinguish himself through his knowledge of the abstract sciences

Meditating on this name brings motivation for self-interest, ulterior motives, and hidden agendas give way to pure acts of friendship, unconditional love, and giving. When you take yourself out of the way, you create a space for true and loving friends, joy and fulfillment.

The negative side of this angel rules over ignorance and all bad qualities of body and soul.


To obtain the mercy of God and live long. Emperor, king, and prince. Renowned for writings and eloquence, of great reputation among the learned.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;17:41 - 18:00 15th December until the 19th December inclusively

His attribute is King of Heaven . He corresponds to the holy name of Bora in the language of the Zaflanians. His ray commences from the 266th degree up to the 270th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty seventh decade and to the angel called Chenon. He rules over the following days: 12th May, 23rd July, 3rd October, 14th December, 24th February. The invocation is done from 5:40pm till 6:00pm exactly,He serves to obtain the mercy of God, and to obtain long life.

This angel rules over emperors, kings, princes and all civilian and ecclesiastical dignitaries. He watches over all legitimate dynasties and over the stability of empires; he gives a long and peaceful reign to princes who have recourse to him, and protects all those who wish to remain in their employ. The person born under this influence will become famous through his writings and his eloquence; he will have a strong reputation among the wise, and will distinguish himself through his virtues and will merit the confidence of his prince.

When meditating upon this name you will be able to focus your attention and meditate with total conviction and certainty upon the absolute demise of the angel of death, once and for all!

The negative side of this angel rules over the ruin of empires; he causes revolutions and overthrows; he influences all those who unite for the overthrowing of monarchies to seize authority and preferred positions.


Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. Governs morality and religion. Distinguished by good deeds and piety.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;18:01 - 18:20 20th December until the 24th December inclusively

His attribute is Eternal God . He corresponds to the holy name of Alay in the language of the people of Ormuz. His ray commences from the 271st degree up to the 275th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty eighth decade and to the angel called Smat, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 13th May, 24th July, 4th October, 15th December, 25th February. The invocation is done from 6:00pm till 6:20pm;

He is good for obtaining consolation and for those who wish to have children. This angel rules over morality and religion; he influences those who protect them with all their power and spread them by all possible means. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his good works, his piety and his zeal for completing his duties before God and man.

By meditating on this name you can reconnect and reunite the Upper and Lower Worlds through the power of this Name. By bringing these two realms together, you will find courage and commitment to accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams. Your thoughts become actualized and your best ideas are transformed into action, and then into concrete results!

The negative side of this angel is the enemy of virtue; he influences all those who wish to destroy religion and the princes who protect it, in order to prevent the great work of the regeneration of the human race.


For the fulfillment of one's request. Governs renown, fortune and philosophy. Well esteemed by everyone for his modesty and agreeable humor.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;18:21 - 18:40 25th December until the 29th December inclusively

His attribute is God Who Supports The Universe . He corresponds to the holy name of Illi in the language of the people of Aden. His ray commences from the 276th degree up to the 280th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty eighth decade and to the angel called Themeso. He rules over the following days: 14th May, 25th July, 5th October, 16th December, 26th February. The invocation is done from 6:20pm till 6:40pm;

He serves to obtain what one wants. This angel rules fame, fortune and philosophy. The person born under this influence will be held in esteem by all for his modesty, moderation and agreeable humor; he will only make his fortune by talents and his conduct.

Meditating upon this name removes the allure and power of the world's controlling "idols". By invoking the power of this Name Anger is purged from your heart. Happiness and peace of mind are generated from within.

The negative side of this angel rules over ambition and pride; he influences all those who set themselves up as masters and wish to raise themselves above others.


For general prosperity and the deliverance of prisoners. Governs great captains. Drawn to the military; distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of fatigue.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;18:41 - 19:00 30th December until the 3th January inclusively

His attribute is Praiseworthy God . He corresponds to the holy name of Popa in the language of the Sirenians. His ray commences from the 281st degree up to the 285th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty ninth decade and to the angel called Sro, under the influence of Mars. He rules over the following days: 15th May, 26th July, 6th October, 17th December, 27th February. This angel and those who follow up to the 63rd belong to the Eighth Order, which the Orthodox call the Choir of Archangels. The invocation is done from 6:40pm till 7:00pm, He serves to bring prosperity in all things and to deliver prisoners.

This angel rules over great captains, admirals, generals and all those who fight in a just cause. The person born under this influence loves the military state; and he will distinguish himself through his actions, bravery, and greatness of spirit, and he will endure hardship with great courage.

Meditate on this name to bring the whispers of your soul and the divine counsel of the Light to be heard loud and clear. You will know what you have to do.It will give you the willing and prepared to do what it takes to get it done.

The negative side of this angel rules over treason, the cause of disagreement among leaders; he influences pusillanimous men and those who attack defenseless people.


Protects against sorrow and care and heals the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. Influences iron and those in commerce. Brave, frank, affinity for Venus.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;19:01 - 19:20 4th January until the 8th January inclusively

His attribute is God Who Hears The Generations . He corresponds to the holy name of Para in the language of the Selamites. His ray commences from the 286th degree up to the 290th degree inclusive, corresponding to the twenty ninth decade and to the angel called Epima. He rules over the following days: 16th May, 27th July, 7th October, 18th December, 28th February. The invocation is done from 7:00pm till 7:20pm.

He serves against chagrins and cures illnesses, principally problems with the eyes. This angel rules over fire; he influences armourers, metal workers, cutlers and those involved in commerce; he confounds the evil and those who bear false witness. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his bravery and boldness, and he will be passionate for Venus.

Meditation upon this name will free you, you will no longer be a prisoner of your past regrets, earlier traumas, pain and suffering. Will bring you to believe in miracles and a joy-filled future. You will gain the courage to let go! let go. Of everything. Period.

The negative side of this angel rules over anger; he influences the evil and homicides.


Against the sterility of women and to make children obedient to their parents. Governs treasure and banks. Printing, books. Love of learning, successful in business (especially money market).

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE.;19:21 - 19:40 9th January until the 14th January inclusively

His attribute is God Who Knows All Things . He corresponds to the holy name of God Ella in the language of the Mesopotamians. His ray commences from the 291st degree up to the 295th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirtieth decade and to the angel called Isro, under the influence of the Sun. He rules over the following days: 17th May, 28th July, 8th October, 19th December, 1st March. The favorable time begins at 7:20pm till 7:40pm;. He serves against the sterility of women and to make children subservient and respectful towards their parents.

This angel rules over treasures, agents of change, public funds, archives, libraries and all rare and precious closets; he influences printing, the book trade and all those involved in this business. The person born under this influence will love to be instructed in all sciences in general; he will be busy in business, will follow the activities of the Stock Exchange, will speculate successfully and be distinguished by his probity, talents and fortune.

Meditation on this name establish an umbilical cord to the Divine Energy, ensuring a constant glimmer of Light to your life, especially when you are in a place of darkness.

The negative side of this angel rules over the enemies of illumination; he causes ruin and destruction through fire; he influences embezzlement and fraudulent bankruptcy


For the cure of mental illness and deliverance from those who persecute us. Virtuous, longevity.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;19:41 - 20:00 15th January until the 19th January inclusively

His attribute is God Who Comforts The Oppressed . He corresponds to the holy name of Gena in the language of the people of Tibet. His ray commences from the 296th degree up to the 300th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirtieth decade and to the angel called Homoth. He rules over the following days: 18th May, 29th July, 9th October, 20th December, 2nd March. The invocation is done from 7:40pm till 8:00pm,

He serves to heal spiritual ills and to be delivered from those who persecute one; he rules over illustrious people who are distinguished by their talents and virtues; he influences the fidelity and obeisance of subordinates towards their superiors. The person born under this influence will unite all the fine qualities of body and soul; he will distinguish himself through his virtues, spirit, and agreeable humor and will have a long life.

Meditation on this name will perceive the balance and harmony that fills all Creation, especially in the hardships, challenges and tests that now you must face throughout life. With the power of this Name, you can arouse the strength to pass all those tests, to rise to a higher level of being, and to gain the joy and fulfillment that accompany true spiritual transformation. Unlock the chains of ego and achieve freedom!

The negative side of this angel rules over all insubordinate beings, and influences all bad physical and moral qualities.


To obtain the friendship of a given person. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;20:01: 20:20 20th January until the 24th January inclusively

His attribute is God Above All Things . He corresponds to the name of Sila following the language of the ancient Bethulians. His ray commences from the 301st degree up to the 305th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty first decade and to the angel called Ptiau, under the influence of Venus. He rules over the following days: 19th May, 30th July, 10th October, 31st December, 3rd March. The invocation must be done from 8:00pm till 8:20pm:

He serves to obtain a person's friendship. This angel rules over astronomy and physics; he influences all those who distinguish themselves in these fields. The person born under this influence will love travel and all honest pleasures; he will have a sensitive heart and love will cause him grief. With meditation on this name you can purify the waters of the earth and awaken the forces of healing and immortality!

The negative side of this angel rules over libertines and particularly those who deliver themselves up to passions contrary to the order of nature.


For the acquisition of wisdom. Governs philosophers,Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;20:21- 20:40 25th January until the 29th January inclusively

His attribute is Supreme Being . He corresponds to the name of Suna following the language of the ancient Carmanians. His ray commences from the 306th degree up to the 310th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty first decade and to the angel called Oroasoer. He rules over the following days: 20th May, 31st July, 11th October, 22nd December, 4th March. The invocation is done from 8:20pm till 8:40pm;

He serves to acquire wisdom. This angel rules philosophers, enlightened ones and all those who wish to retire from the world. The person born under this influence will love tranquility and solitude; he will precisely fulfill the duties of his state and will be distinguished by his modesty and virtues.

Meditating on this name brings desire to lovingly, respectfully, and selflessly share this wisdom with children. The preacher in you will silenced. The teacher in you will shines through in all your actions.

The negative side of this angel rules over those who commit scandals; he rules over luxury, inconstancy and divorce; he provokes disunion between spouses.


For the conversion of nations to Christianity. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. Governs commerce, banking. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;20:41 - 21:00 30th January until the 3th February inclusively

His attribute is Infinitely Good God . He corresponds to the holy name of God Miri in the language of the Camboans. His ray commences from the 311th degree up to the 315th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty second decade and to the angel called Asau, under the influence of Mercury. He rules over the following days: 21st May, 1st August, 12th October, 23rd December, 5th March. The invocation is done from 8:40pm till 9:00pm, He serves to convert nations to Christianity and to confound those who are its enemies.

This angel protects against accidents, he preserves health and cures illnesses; he rules over commerce, bankers, businessmen and clerks. The person born under this influence will have a subtle and ingenious spirit; he will distinguish himself through his industry and his actions.

Meditations upon this name bring Appreciation. Thankfulness. Gratitude. These noble attributes of Moses are aroused within by this Name. Infused with these attributes, retain and enjoy all the blessings and treasures in life.

The negative side of this angel rules over folly and prodigality; he influences all those who ruin themselves through their bad conduct.


Against adversities. Protects against rabies and wild beasts. Governs savants, professors, orators and others. Distinguished in literature.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;21:01 - 21:20 4th Febuary until the 8th Febuary inclusively

His attribute is God Who Vivifies All Things . He corresponds to the holy name of Alli in the language of the Mongols. His ray commences from the 316th degree up to the 320 th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty second decade and to the angel called Astiro. He rules over the following days: 22nd May, 2nd August, 13th October, 24th December, 6th March. The invocation is done from 9:00pm till 9:20pm,

The Psalm associated with this name is good against adversities; he grants the prayers and wishes of those who hope in the mercy of God.

This angel and those who follow, up to the 72nd, belong to the Ninth Order, which the Orthodox call the Choir of Angels.

This angel protects against rabies and ferocious animals; he rules over the wise, teachers, orators and authors; he influences printing and bookshops and all those who engage in this type of business. The person born under this influence will distinguish himself in literature.

Meditating on this name will make your being to be illuminated beautifully, suffused with the Creator's radiance. Everyone around you will see the positive, beautiful aspects of your true self, as opposed to the distorted and dark image projected by your ego.

The negative side of this angel rules over all false wise men; he influences controversies, literary disputes and criticism.


Against magic spells and for the obtainment (sic) of wisdom and the undertaking of successful ventures. Governs seas, rivers, springs, sailors. Sailor; amasses a considerable fortune.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;21:21 - 21:40 9th February until the 13th February inclusively

His attribute is God Fountain Of Wisdom . He corresponds to the holy name of Tara following the language of the Gymnosophs. His ray commences from the 321st degree up to the 325th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty third decade and to the angel called Ptebiou, under the influence of the Moon. He rules over the following days: 23rd May, 5th August, 14th October, 25th December, 7th March. The invocation is done from 9:20pm till 9:40pm;

He serves against sorcery and to obtain wisdom and success in useful enterprises.

This angel rules over seas, rivers, springs, maritime expeditions and naval construction; he influences sailors, pilots, fishing and all those who work in this line of commerce. The person born under this influence will distinguish himself in marine affairs through his expeditions and discoveries, and he will amass a considerable fortune.

Meditation upon this name bring awareness of the divine sparks in every person. Their true essence is awakened in the heart. Make you become wiser in the ways of the world. Perceive the repercussions of your every word and deed, and know that sharing acts toward others are always in your own best interest.

The negative side of this angel causes tempests and ship wrecks; he influences unhappy expeditions.


For the appeasement of the anger of God and for the healing of epilepsy. Governs vegetation, aquatic animals. Influences dreams. Gentleness of character.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;21:41 - 22:00 14th February until the 18th February inclusively

His attribute is God Who Supports And Maintains All Things . He corresponds to the name of Pora in the language of the Brahmans. His ray commences from the 326th degree up to the 330th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty third decade and to the angel called Tepisatras. He rules over the following days: 24th May, 4th August, 15th October, 26th December, 8th March. The invocation is done from 9:40pm till 10:00pm,

He serves to appease God's anger and to cure epilepsy. He rules over vegetation and aquatic animals; he influences sleep and dreams. The person born under this influence will unite all the good qualities of body and soul; he will bring about friendship and goodwill among all good people through his pleasantness and the sweetness of his character.

With meditation on these letters, your impulses toward self pity, retaliation, and revenge are swept away. You will see that a "victim's mentality" is the foundation of all those feelings. It will replace that thinking with the understanding that you are the creator of your own circumstances. And you know that what you have created, you can change.

The negative side of this angel rules over all bad physical and moral qualities.


Great expectations: Gain control over the power of time in life. Instead of constantly demanding more of tomorrow, appreciate what you have—and what you are right now. False and self-seeking expectations are cast out!

Instead of constantly demanding more of tomorrow, I appreciate what I have—and what I am—right now. False and self-seeking expectations are cast out!

To obtain consolation in adversity and for the acquisition of wisdom. Influences occult science. Makes the truth known to those who call on him in their work. Enlightened requirements of the spirit of God. Fond of solitude, distinguished in higher sciences.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;22:01 - 22:20 19th February until the 23th February inclusively

His attribute is God, Delight Of The Children Of Men . He corresponds to the name of Bogo in the language of the Albanians. His ray commences from the 331st degree up to the 335th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty fourth decade and to the angel called Abiou, under the influence of Saturn. He rules over the following days: 25th May, 5th August, 16th October, 27th December, 9th March. The invocation is done from 10:00pm till 10:20pm;

He serves to receive consolation in adversity and to acquire wisdom. This angel rules over change, the preservation of monuments and long life; he influences the occult sciences; he reveals truth to those who have recourse to him in their works. The person born under this influence will become illuminated by the spirit of God; he will love solitude and will be distinguished in the high sciences, principally astronomy, physics and philosophy.

By meditating on this Name, You will gain control over the power of time in your life. Instead of constantly demanding more of tomorrow, You will appreciate what you have and what you are right now. False and self-seeking expectations are cast out!

The negative side of this angel rules over error, prejudice and those who propagate erroneous schemes.


For the preservation of health and the healing of the sick. Governs agriculture and fecundity. Fond of the countryside, hunting, gardens and all that is related to agriculture.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;2:21 - 22:40 24th February until the 28th February inclusively

His attribute is God Who Gives Freely . He corresponds to the holy name of Depos in the language of the Peloponnesians. His ray commences from the 336th degree up to the 340th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty fourth decade and to the angel called Archatapias. He rules over the following days: 26th May, 6th August, 17th October, 28th December, 10th March. The invocation is done from 10:20pm till 10:40pm,

He serves to preserve health and to cure diseases. This angel rules agriculture and fertility. The person born under this influence will love the countryside, hunting, gardens and all things connected with agriculture.

By meditating on this name you can evoke the memories of loved ones who have passed on. See them surrounded with the Light of this Name. Meditate to elevate their souls to ever higher levels in the spiritual worlds. It will open connections to receive their guidance and support.

The negative side of this angel rules over sterility; he causes famine and plague; he influences insects which harm produce from the soil


To find lost or stolen objects and discover the person responsible. Distinguished in the judiciary, morals and customs of all peoples.

Influence time and dates 22:41 - 23:00 1th March until the 5th March inclusively

His attribute is God Who Sees All . He corresponds to the holy name of Deos in the language of the Cretans. His ray commences from the 341st degree up to the 345th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty fifth decade and to the angel called Chontare, under the influence of Jupiter. He rules over the following days: 27th May, 7th August, 18th October, 29th December, 11th March. The invocation is done from 10:40pm till 11:00pm exactly,

He serves to find lost or hidden objects, and to know the person who has removed them. This angel rules renown, fortune and succession; he influences jurisconsult, magistrates, attorneys, solicitors and notaries. The person born under this influence will be distinguished at the bar, by his knowledge of morality, custom and the spirit of the laws of all people.

Meditating with this Name as your compass, the path toward your spiritual home will be illuminated. You will regain your bearings. With every step you take and with each moment that passes, you will feel comfort, confidence and a stronger sense of direction.

The negative side of this angel rules over reports, testaments and bequests which are made to the detriment of legitimate inheritors; he influences all those who cause the ruin of families, by provoking high fees and interminable court cases.


Governs the generation of beings and phenomena of nature. Protects those who wish to progress spiritually. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;23:01 - 23:20 6th March until the 10th March inclusively

His attribute is Word Which Produces All Things . He corresponds to the holy name of Aris in the language of the Boetians. His ray commences from the 346th degree up to the 350th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty fifth decade and to the angel called Thopibui. He rules over the following days: 28th May, 8th August, 19th October, 30th December, 12th March. The invocation is done from 11:00pm till 11:20pm. This angel rules over the generation of beings and phenomena of Nature; he protects those who desire to regenerate themselves, and to reestablish in themselves that harmony which was broken by the disobedience of Adam, which they will accomplish by raising themselves before God and purifying those parts which constitute the nature of man through the elements: thus they will regain their rights and their original dignity. They will be once more become the masters of nature and will enjoy all the prerogatives which God gave them at their creation. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his genius; he will be considered one of the great luminaries of philosophy.

Meditating upon this name help you to overcome feelings of doubt or panic or thoughts of doom, these letters reveal the order that underlies chaos. You will become enlightened to the Creator's master plan as it pertains to your purpose in this world and to the problems you face.

The negative side of this angel rules over atheism and all those who spread dangerous writings; he influences critics and literary disputes.


To confound the wicked and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us (sic). Protects those who call upon him. Influences fire. Brave.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;23:21 - 23:40 11th March until the 15th March inclusively

His attribute is God Master Of The Universe . He corresponds to the name of Zeut in the language of the Phrygians. His ray commences from the 351st degree up to the 355th degree inclusive, corresponding to the thirty sixth decade and to the angel called Ptibiou, under the influence of Mars. He rules over the following days: 29th May, 9th August, 20th October, 31st December, 14th March. The invocation is done from 11:20pm till 11:40pm.

He serves to confound the evil and to be delivered from all those who wish to oppress one. This angel protects all those who have need of him; he gives victory and peace; he influences weapons, arsenals, fortresses and all connected with the military genius. The person born under this influence will have a lot of energy; he will love the military state and will be distinguished by his bravery, talents and actions.

Meditating on this name will bestow you with the power of prophecy. With consciousness elevated and awareness heightened, you have the power to enter a new universe of transformation and Light.

The negative side of this angel rules over discord; he influences traitors and all those who become famous because of their crimes.


A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable influences with the name of the spirit on the reverse side. Protects in mysterious operations, brings success in all things. Governs chemistry, physics and medicine. Influences health and longevity. Doctor.

INFLUENCE TIME AND DATE;23:41 - 24:00 16th March until the 20th March inclusively

His attribute is designed by the Omega, which symbolizes the end of all things; he rules over Thrace or Roumelie. His ray commences from the 356th degree up to the 360th and last degree of the sphere, corresponding to the last decade and to the angel called Atembui. He rules over the following days: 30th May, 10th August, 21st October, 1st January, 14th March. The invocation is done from 11:40pm till midnight precisely; One must have a talisman which is on the frontispiece, with that of the angel written on the other side, which should be prepared under favorable influences.

This angel protects in mysterious operations; he brings success in all things and brings all things to their conclusion; he rules over chemistry, physics and medicine; he influences health and longevity. The person born under this influence will be distinguished in medicine; he will become famous through his marvelous cures, will unveil many secrets of nature which will lead to the prosperity of the children of earth, and he will devote his labors and his care to ease the poor and the sick.

By meditating on these letters, you push the "REWIND" and "ERASE" on your spiritual video. You will be purified in your present life by correcting your transgressions from your lives in the past. It can also be used to purify physical environment from spiritual impurities.

The negative side of this angel rules over despair and suicide; he influences all those who hate their life and the day that they were born.

Psalms Associated With The 72 Names Of God

1. Vehuaiah- 3rd verse of Psalm 3: “But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head“ (Et tu Domine susceptor meus et gloria mea et exaltans caput meum).

2. Jeliel- 20th verse of Psalm 218: “But be thou not far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me” (Tu autem Domine ne elongaveris auxilium tuum a me ad defensionem meam conspice).

3. Sitael -2nd verse of Psalm 90: “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust” (Dicet Domino: susceptor meus es tu et refugium meum: Deus meus, sperabo in eum).

4. Elemiah- 4th verse of Psalm 6: “Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies’ sake” (Convertere Domine, et eripe aninam meam: salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam).

5. Mahasiah- 4th verse of Psalm 33: “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Exquisivi Dominum, et exaudivit me: et ex omnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit me).

6. Lelahel 11th verse of Psalm 9: “Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings” (Psallite Domino, qui habitat in Sion: annuntiate intergentes studia ejus).

7. Achaiah- 8th verse of Psalm 102: “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy” (Miserator et misericors Dominus: longanimis et multum misericors)

8. Cahetel- 6th verse of Psalm 94: “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel

before the Lord our maker” (Venite adoremus, et procidamus: et ploremus

ante Dominum, qui fecit nos).

9. Aziel -6th verse of Psalm 24: “Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy

lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old” (Reminiscere

miserationum tuarum, Domine, et misericordiarum tuarum quae a saeculo


10. Aladiah- 22nd verse of Psalm 32: “Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as

we hope in thee” (Fiat misericordia tua Domine super nos: quemadmodum

speravimus in te).

11. Lauviah- 50th verse from Psalm 17: “The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let

the God of my salvation be exalted” (Vivit Dominus et benedictus Deus

meus, et exultatur Deus salutis meae).

12. Hahaiah- 1st verse of Psalm 10: “Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? Why hidest thou

thyself in times of trouble? (Ut qui Domine recessisti longe, despicis in

opportunitatibus, in tribulatione).

13. Iezalel -4th verse of Psalm 98: “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make

a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise” (Jubilate Deo omnis terra: cantate,

et exultate, et psallite).

14. Mebahel- 9th verse of Psalm 9: “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a

refuge in times of trouble (Et factus est Dominus refugium pauperis: adjutor

in opportunitatibus, in tribulatione).

15. Hariel 22nd verse of Psalm 94: “But the Lord is my defence; and my God is the rock

of my refuge“ (Et factus est mihi Dominus in refugium: et Deus meus in

adjutorium spei meae).

16. Hakamiah 1st verse of Psalm 88: “O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before

thee:” (Domine Deus salutis meae, in die clamavie, et nocte coram te).

17. Lauviah 1st verse of Psalm 8: “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the

earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens“ (Dominus Deus noster,

quam admirabile est nomen tuum in universa terra).

18. Caliel 8th verse of Psalm 7: “Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and

according to mine integrity that is in me16” (Judica me Domine secundum

justitiam meam, et secundum innocentiam meam super me).

19. Leuviah 1 st verse of Psalm 40: “I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto

me” (Expectans expectavi Dominum, et intendit mihi).

20. Pahaliah 2nd verse of Psalm 120: “Deliver my soul, O Lord, fromlying lips, and from

a deceitful tongue” (Domine libera anima mean a labiis iniquis, et a lingua


21. Nelebael-14th verse of Psalm 31: “But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my

God. MY times are in thy hands18” (Ego autem in te speravi Domine: dixi

Deus meus es tu: in manibus tuis sortes meae).

22. Ieiael-5th verse of Psalm 121: “The Lord is thy protector, the Lord is thy shade

upon thy right hand” (Dominus custodit te; Dominus protection tua,

supermanum dexteram tuam).

23. Melahel 8th verse of Psalm 120: “” (Dominus custodiat introilum tuum, et exitum

tuum: et ex hoc nunc, et in saeculum).

24. Hahuiah-18th verse of Psalm 33: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear

him, upon them that hope in his mercy;” (Ecce oculi Domini super

metuenteseum: et in eis, qui spirant in misericordia ejus).

25. NithHaiah-1st verse of Psalm 9: “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will

shew forth all thy marvelous works” (Confitebortibi Domine in toto corde

meo: narrabo omnia mirabilia tua).

26. Haaiah-145th verse of Psalm 119: “I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord: I

will keep thy statutes” (Clamavi in toto corde meo, exaudi me Domine;

justifications tuas requiram).

27. Jerathel-1st verse of Psalm 139: “Deliver me O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me

from the violent man“ (Eripe me Domine ab homine malo, a viro iniquo eripe


28. Seeiah -13th verse of Psalm 70: “O God be not far from me: O my God, make haste

for my help” (Deus ne elongeris a me: Deus meus in auxilium meum respice).

29. Reiiel-4th verse of Psalm 53: “Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them

that uphold my soul” (Ecce enim Deus adjuvat me: et Dominus susceptor est

animae meae).

30. Ornael-5th verse of Psalm 71: “For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust

from my youth” (Quoniam tu es patientia mea Domine spes mea a juventute


31. Lecabel-16th verse of Psalm 71: “I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make

mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only” (Quoniam non cognovi

literaturam introibo in potentias Domini: Domine memorabor justitiae tuae


32. Vasariah-4th verse of Psalm 33: “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works

are done in truth” (Quia rectum est verbum Domini, et omnia opera ejus in


33. Iehuiah- 11th verse of Psalm 92: “The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they

are vanity” (Dominus scit cogitations hominium quoniam vanae sunt).

34. Lehahiah -3rd verse of Psalm 131: “Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and

forever” (Speret Israël in Domino; ex hocnunc, et usque in saeculum).

35. Chevakiah-1st verse of Psalm 116: “I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and

my supplications” (Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus vocem orationis


36. Menadel-8th verse of Psalm 26: “Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and

the place where thine honour dwelleth” (Domine dilexi decorum domus tuae:

et locum habitationis gloriae tuae).

37. Aniel-7th verse of Psalm 79: “Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to

shine; and we shall be saved” (Deus ad virtutem converte nos: et ostende

faciem tuam et salvi erimus).

38. Haamiah-9th verse of Psalm 90: “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my

refuge, even the most High, thy habitation” (Quoniam tu es Domine spes

mea: altissimum posuisti refugium tuum).

39. Rehael-13th verse of Psalm 29: “Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be

thou my helper” (Audivit Dominus, et misertus est mei: Dominus factus est

meus adjutor).

40. Ieiazel-14th verse of Psalm 88: “Lord, why castest thou off my soul? Why hidest

thou thy face from me?” (Ut quid Domine repellis orationem meam: avertis

faciem tuam a me).

41. Hahahel-2nd verse of Psalm 120: “Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from

a deceitfujl tongue” (Domine libera animam meam a labiis iniquis et a lingua


42. Mikael-7th verse of Psalm 121: “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy

coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore” (Dominus custodit te

ab omni malo; custodiat animam tuam Dominus).

43. Veuahiah-13th verse of Psalm 88: “But unto thee have I cried, O Lord; and in the

morning shall my prayer prevent thee” (Et ego ad te Domine clamavi: et

mane oratio mea praeveniet te).

44. Ielahiah-108th verse of Psalm 119: “Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of

my mouth, O Lord, and teach me thy judgements” (Voluntaria oris mei bene

placita fac Domine: et judiciatua doce me).

45. Sealiah-18th verse of Psalm 94: “When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord,

held me up” (Si dicebam, motus est pes meus: misericordia tua Domine,

adjuebat me).

46. Ariel-9th verse of Psalm 145: “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are

over all his works” (Suavis Dominus universes: et miserationes ejus super

omnia opera ejus).

47. Asaliah-24th verse of Psalm 104: “O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom

hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches”(Quam magnificata

sunt opera tua Domine! Omnia in spientia fecisti: impleta est terra

possessione tua).

48. Michael-2nd verse of Psalm 98: “The Lord hath made known his salvation: his

righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen” (Notum

fecit Dominus salutare suum: in conspectus gentium revelatit justitiam


49. Vehuel-3rd verse of Psalm 145: “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his

greatness is unsearchable” (Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis et

magnitudinia ejus non est finis).

50. Daniel-8th verse of Psalm 103: “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger,

and plenteous in mercy” (Miserator et misericors Dominus: longanimis et


51. Hahasiah-31st verse of Psalm 104: “The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the

Lord shall rejoice in his works” (Sit gloria Domini in saeculum: laetabitur

Dominus in operibus suis).

52. Imamiah-17th verse of Psalm 7: “I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness:

and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high” (Confitebor Domino

secundum justitiam ejus: et psallam nomini Domini altissimi).

53. Nanael-75th verse of Psalm 119: “I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and

that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me” (Cognovi Domine quia aequitas

judicia tua: et in veritate tua humiliasti me).

54. Nithael-19th verse of Psalm 103: “The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens:

and his kingdom ruleth over all” (Dominus in coelo paravit sedem suam: et

regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur).

55. Mabaiah-12th verse of Psalm 102: “But thou, O Lord, shalt endure forever: and thy

remembrance unto all generations” (Tu autem Domine in aeternum

permanes: et memoriale tuum in generationem).

56. Poiel-15th verse of Psalm 145: “The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all

those that be bowed down” (Allevat Dominus omnes qui corrunt: et origit

omnes elisos).

57. Nemmamiah-11th verse of Psalm 115: “Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord; he is their

help and their shield” (Qui timet Dominum speraverunt in Domino: adjutor

eorum et protector eorum est).

58. Ieialel- 3rd verse of Psalm 6: “My soul is sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long?”

(Et anima turbata est valde: sed tu Domine usque quo?).

59. Harahel-3rd verse of Psalm 113: “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of

the same the Lord’s name is to be praised” (A solis ortu usque ad occasum,

laudabile nomen Domini).

60. Mizrael-18th verse of Psalm 145: “The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in

all his works” (Justus Dominus in omnibus viis suis: et sanctus in omnibus

operibus suis).

61. Umabel-2nd verse of Psalm 113: “Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time

froth and for evermore”(Sit nomen Domini benedictum, ex hoc nunc et usque

in saeculum).

62. Iah-hel-159th verse of Psalm 119: “Consider hoe I love thy precepts: quicken me, O

Lord, according to thy lovingkindness” (Vide quoniam mandata tua dilexi

Domine, in misericordia tua vivifica me).

63. Anianuel -11th verse of Psalm 2: “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling”

(Servite Domino in timore: et exultate ei cum tremore).

64. Mehiel-18th verse of Psalm 33: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear

him, upon them that hope in his mercy” (Ecce oculi Domini super metuentes

eum: et in eis, qui sperant super misericordiam ejus).

65. Damabiah-13th verse of Psalm 90:“Return O Lord, how long? And let it repent thee

concerning thy servants” (Convertere Domine, et usque qua? Et deprecabilis

esto super savos tuos).

66. Manakel -21st verse of Psalm 38: “Forsake me not, O Lord: O my God, be not far from

me” (Ne derelinquas me Domine Deus maus; ne discesseris a me).

67. Itaiel-4th verse of Psalm 37: “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give

thee the desires of thine heart” (Delectare in Domino et dabit tibi petitiones

cordis tui).

68. Chabuiah-1st verse of Psalm 106: “Praise ye the Lord, O give thanks unto the Lord; for

he is good: for his mercy endureth forever” (Confitemini Domino, quoniam

bonus: quoniam in saeculum misericordia ejus).

69. Rochel-5th verse of Psalm 16: “The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of

my cup: thou maintaineth my lot” (Dominus pars haereditatis meae, et calicis

mei: tu es, qui restitues haereditatem meam mihi).

70. Iabamiah -1st verse of Genesis1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the


71. Haiel-30th verse of Psalm 109: “I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; yea,

I will praise him among the multitude” (Confitebor Domino nimis in ore

meo: et in medio multorum laudabo eum)

72. Mumiah

7th verse of Psalm 116: “Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath

dealt bountifully with thee” (Convertere anima mea in requiem tuam: quia

Dominus beneficit tibi).